Hospital Visit

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TW: Word usage of R@pe

I washed up and exited the bathroom, I could hear Ghost talking on the phone. I entered the living room a he looked up at me with sad eyes.

"We'll be there, thank you."

"Who was that..?"

"It was your father."

"Oh? What did he need?"

"Your mom is in the hospital, we need to go."

My heart sank, everything was happening way to sudden. One moment I was dizzy and another I was rushing to put on my shoes.

"We need to go now, come on." I quickly grabbed my purse and rushed out the door. Ghost followed behind trying to keep up.

"Y/N wait, I should drive."

"What? Why?"

"Because I know how you are in these moments and I don't need you having a panic attack in the middle of driving."

"Okay fine but please hurry."

I gave him the keys as we got in. I pulled out my phone and called my dad.


"Y/N! Are you coming??"

"Yes were on our way right now, is she okay??"

"I'm not sure, I haven't heard anything from the doctors yet. I'm in the waiting room still."

"Can you find someone and ask?"

"It's been crazy busy here so nobody has been available."

"What happened to her?"

"Hold on Y/N the doctor is coming."

He hung up. I placed my phone down and placed my hands over my face.

"Fuck!" I shouted.

Ghost placed his hand on my thigh and squeezed.

"Breathe babe, we're almost there."

"Oh god, what if something really terrible happens and I'm not there."

"We will be there."

I started kicking my foot and panicking.

"Y/N if you have a panic attack I'm pulling over."

"No please just keep going."

I bit my lip hard and tried calming down.

We finally arrived after another 15 minutes. I jumped out of the car and rushed inside to the front desk.

"How can I help you?"

"Hi yes I'm here to see my mom, she was hospitalized a bit ago?"

I peaked into the waiting room and didn't see my dad, Ghost caught up and stood behind me.

"Can I have a first and last name please?"

"Y/N Piers, my mom is Angela Piers."

I tapped my fingers impatiently as the clicking of the keyboard ringed in my ears. Ghost held my hand as I squeezed tightly.

"You can find her in room 216, down past those doors and to the nearest left."

"Thank you."

I rushed and pulled Ghost along with me as we walked through the hallways. Eventually we came to her room, I entered and saw her lying in bed hooked up to the machines and my dad was holding her hand.

"Y/N you made it!"

I let go of Ghosts hand and rushed towards the side of the bed and kissed my moms forehead.

"Mama oh my god, are you okay? What's happening?"

"Yes I'm okay Y/N, I fainted earlier and hit my head pretty hard."

"Your mom insisted to get out of bed when she was dizzy."

"Mama.. you know better."

"I know I know."

I kissed her hands in relief that she was okay.

"Did the doctors say anything else?"

"They want to do some further testing on your mom for her cancer but otherwise no concussion."

"Thank goodness."

I turned around to see Ghost standing there awkwardly. I walked up to him and hugged him as he did so back.

"I'm sorry." I whispered

"For what?"

"I don't know, rushing you."

"Don't be. I love you."

"I love you too." He kissed the top of my head.

I turned around and looked at my dad,

"Um, I would like to speak to mom in private."

He nodded and exited the room, I looked at Ghost as he left as well. I made sure the door was shut before I sat next to my mom.

I let out a loud sigh as I started to tear up.

"Oh Y/N.."

She wrapped her arms around me as I leaned into her chest and cried.

"I'm okay hun, I am right here."

"I know mom.. I'm happy you are but it's something else."

I sniffled and looked at her.

"What is it?"

"I was raped."

She looked at me blankly not being able to speak.

"I'm sorry for dropping this on you."

"No baby don't be sorry. Oh my god my baby girl."

She held my hand tightly.

"There's something else."


"I um, I'm pregnant."

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