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A few days had gone by of the same torture, thankfully enough I hadn't been touched like I was that day but sometimes they still had forced me to do things to them that I didn't want to do. I was reserved to Ghost and only him, I love him with my whole heart and it doesn't just ache my body but it aches my heart to be put in a position like this, I just miss having him by my side. After enough complaining the skinny guy had given me a clean blanket, I was freezing but I refused to use anything on the blood stained bed. I was given a new shirt and they would feed me scraps or leftovers, I didn't want to eat but I started getting very bad stomach pains so I forced myself to eat.

The door opened, I stayed put lying on the ground wrapped in the blanket. I was still having bad cramps and pains.

"Get up." He closed the door and walked towards me.

"I can't."

"Yes you fucking can."

"I think I am having my period soon."

"Get the fuck up then, I'll let you use the bathroom early."

"I can't get up.."

His hand came down hard onto my face, he pulled me up by the hair as I winced in pain. I was cramping up all over, he forced me up on my feet and I threw up all over the floor. He let go of me and jumped back avoiding it, I slowly went down on my hands and knees as I kept vomiting.

"God fucking damn it, that's so nasty dumb bitch!"

The vomit got all over my shirt, I gagged as another guy came in.

"The hell is going on?"

I looked up at him with my restless eyes.

"God, she looks miserable."

"So fucking what?"

"You know Hassan wants her in one piece, not like this."

"I don't fucking care, I am the boss here, not you! Clean this shit up would you?"

He pulled me back up and gripped my arm tightly as we left the room. He brought me to the bathroom, he locked the door behind us.

"Do what you need to do, then take shower."

"C-Can I please have privacy?"

He laughed at me.

"Hurry the fuck up, I don't have all day."

Someone started knocking on the door.

"Yo dude, someone is here come on."

"Fuck, you're lucky this time, hurry up and shower, I'll be back."

I watched him leave and close the door, I quickly locked the door as I listened to them going upstairs.
I leaned my back against the door and slowly fell to the floor, I cried in my hands. After a few minutes of crying I got up and turned on the shower, the water was cold and didn't go very warm at all. I sniffled and undressed as I waited for the water to get as warm as possible. I looked in the mirror at all of the red marks and bruises on my body, I had some scabs forming, I ran my fingers over the small cut on my shoulder. I tried using the bathroom but I never had my period, after finishing up I finally got in the shower even though it never got that warm. There was a small bottle of shampoo only, I used the whole thing scrubbing my hair getting as much of the gross shit out. I heard loud stomping coming from upstairs, I finished rinsing my hair and got out. There were some men's clothes on a rack along with a towel, I started drying myself off, after a few minutes I heard yelling and guns going off. I double checked the lock on the door and hid in the shower pulling the curtains close. I sat in the corner and pulled the towel over me as the loud guns and shouting continued, I was scared, I didn't know what was going on, what was going to happen to me. eventually the gun firing stopped and it went silent, I pulled myself close and rested my head on my knees as the fear rushed through my body, it went silent. I started cramping up again but I had to ignore it as much as possible, I could hear voices getting closer and closer. I started trembling as the door knob rattled, more tears fell down my face, I started going into shock and everything went numb. I couldn't see through the curtains at all, suddenly the door came crashing open, I heard the wood being broken into, I saw a shadow coming in towards me. I felt like I was going in and out of consciousness, everything was hurting, the curtains slowly opened revealing me entirely.

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