Meeting Room

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Later that day everyone gathered around the table in the meeting room, I entered as everyone stared me down. I paused and looked as they looked away and continued talking.

The hell?

I saw ghost sitting in the corner next to Shepherd as they were all waiting for Price. I walked over to the board hanging on the wall, there were pictures of our enemies thumb tacked to the board. Every current one had a red X except one, I traced my finger up and it was Hassan.

What a bastard he is.

Suddenly I felt a hand on my shoulder, I looked up to my right and it was Captain Price, I could feel Ghosts eyes piercing our souls.

"We'll find him."

"Yeah but when, it's been months."

"Patience, Y/N."

He patted my shoulder and turned around, he paused and turned back towards me.

"Oh and also, you were just a bit too loud earlier."

He smiled and walked to the table as my face went completely red. I looked at Ghost and snarled, he scratched his neck and awkwardly smiled.

"Alright everyone, gather around."

I walked over to the table awkwardly, I could feel the tension.

Great, everyone heard, really..?!

I looked up at Ghost who was standing across from me, I smiled and looked back down.

"We're getting closer and closer each day, we have been able to mark his past and recent locations which is helping us immensely. Hassan seems to be drawing a pattern if you look here.." Price traced his finger around the board.

"This gives us ideas of his next moves and once we figure out the next location we can surely become one step ahead and get this shit over with."

Whispers filled the room, Alejandro elbowed me.

"Ghost did you good huh?" He whispered.

I kicked him in the shin as he whined.

"Quiet everyone. This time we're doing midnight instead of broad daylight, this way we can be hidden better, from what I know right now is our next task is to raid this base here." He marked a spot on the map with a marker.

"It's an old unused motel, if you look here." He placed a picture of the place on the table and pointed.

"This here is a 3 story parking place, it's connected to the main building and we will start here as it has much better cover, this time we're unsure of who will be here or even if there still there. Understood?"

"Yes sir." Everyone repeated.

"Good, I want everyone ready to go by 6, we're not waiting on any slackers. There will be goggles ready out on the tables for you to grab when you get ready."

Everyone exited the room, Ghost and I walked out together.

"Don't you think we should somewhat separate if we don't know who will be there?" I asked Ghost as we walked to the living room.

"Price knows what he's doing, he always does."
We sat down on the couch as I cuddled up on his lap.

"I know he does but you know how he is."

"I think he's got a solid plan, plus if we go in from the parking area we have a better defense and attack."

"I suppose."

We sat there for a few minutes in silence as he played with my hair. We could hear everyone upstairs probably playing poker, Soap always gets loud when he plays. I leaned up and kissed Ghost.

"We should go outside."


"Yeah, we always do everything inside, we should go out for once."

"We do things back in the cities."

"I mean here."

"What would we do?"

"I don't know, take a walk... something."

"Take a walk? Really?"

"Come on!!" I stood up and jumped up and down.
I grabbed his hands and pulled.


"Fine Alright."

We left the base and started walking down the gravel road. I looked up at the sky.

"It's so beautiful."

"You? I know."

"No the sky silly."

He looked up and then at me, I looked at him and smile.

"Not as beautiful as you though."


I slipped my hand in his hand as he looked down a bit surprised. His hand wrapped around mine as we continued, we decided to go a bit into the forest.

A few minutes later we were deeper into the woods, i was picking up rocks and scanning the ground for any shiny ones as Ghost was leaned up against a tree waiting.

"Are you seriously gonna look at rocks forever?"

"Don't disturb my rock time."

Ghost closed his eyes.

As I looked around I heard a branch crunching ahead of me, I looked up to see a deer and her fawn.

"Oh my god, Ghost, ghost look!" I whispered.

He opened an eye and looked at me as I pointed, he looked at the deer as they were grazing.
He smiled and watched me as I sat down on the grass and just watched. Ghost walked behind me and sat down, he leaned against the tree and wrapped his arms around me as I sat between his legs and leaned against him.

"Aren't they so cute."


"You really think so? I didn't think you found anything cute."

"I find you more than cute." He kissed the top of my forehead.

"I bet she's one happy mother, to have such an adorable baby."

"You would be a great mom."

Me? A mom? I thought about what he said for a few minutes. I turned myself around and looked up at him.


"Do you want kids?"

"That's a very sudden question."

"I know, but really though?"

"I don't think I've thought about it much."

"So you have?"

"To be fair I've came inside of you like twice now."

I giggled.

"You're not wrong on that one, but I'm not pregnant."

I turned back around and watched as the doe and her fawn trotted off.

"Shit!" Ghost grabbed my arm and pulled me up along with him.


"We've gotta go Y/N, it's 5:43."


He held my hand as we both ran and laughed all the way back to base.

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