Cold times pt 1

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Over the last month it's been absolutely crazy, we decided to have our wedding early as I wanted to be official before having our first child. We even celebrated a baby shower with my family, in our own way. I say in our "own" way, as is was just a celebration feast and some gifts, since we were waiting for the gender reveal. So much has happened in such a short time span, I can't wait until things just relax and I can finally hold our child. My parents have been so supportive an eager to have their first grandchild, it makes me even more excited. 

I sat at the dining table crocheting some handmade stuffed animals, Simon handed me a glass of water and a bowl of salad.

"Thank you hun."

"You're welcome." He kissed my head

After a few minutes my phone rung, it was Soap.

"Hey, what's up?" I asked

"I'm driving to the cities right now, I need you to head to the St Demoin hospital right now." He answered.

"What? Why, what happened?!"

"I'm not entirely sure but mom was rushed to the hospital, it sounds like she's not doing good. I need to hang up, but be there k? I'm about 2 hours away."

My heart sank, "okay."


"Who was that?" Simon asked

I looked at him still unsure of what to think


"Moms in the hospital, it's bad. We need to go."

"Shit, alright, I'll go start the car, stay here."

I was sore but I had to go, I waited impatiently as rushing thoughts came to my head. Simon came back inside and helped me put my coat and boots on. We had deep snow for the first time. After he helped me inside the car we took off.

We arrived at the hospital and had been waiting outside the room for the doctor. After what felt like hours, he finally came out of the emergency room. Soap hadn't been here yet, I was biting my nails nervously as I studied the doctors face expression trying to seek any hints.

"You're family?" He questioned.

"Yes. I'm her daughter, this is my husband. My brother hasn't arrived yet. Is my father here?" My mind was racing, I just wanted to hear see her.

"Your father is inside the room. At this moment we're only allowing one person at a time." 

"Oh." I frowned. 

"What's going on then?" Simon asked.

"It seems that your mother has had an infection growing for quite some time now. It is life threatening to her health due to the cancer. I was informed she was having pain and inflammatory over the past month by your father, but from what he says, she said it was side effects of her medication. Which is entirely, not true. The infection has spread throughout her immune system, she's been put on anti biotics, she has iv's and we're waiting for a few test results." 


"Can you get rid of the infection?" I asked trying to hold back tears.

"At this state of the infection, we cannot ensure that we can get rid of the infection." 

"What does that mean then?" 

"Your mother is suffering and in pain, medication can only do so little to cancer. At this time we recommend the family to consider palliative sedation." 

"Palliative Sedation?! There has to be another way-" I blurted angrily

"Y/N.." Simon interrupted and rubbed my back. 

"What do the test results do then? Is there any positive feedbacks? There has to be something more you can surely do?" 

The doctor pushed his glasses up onto his head, he flipped the page on his clipboard and let out a sigh.

"The tests are informing us how long the infection has gone on for and where it's spread to exactly. As I said, at the state your mother is in, it's a huge red flag for us. She is dying." 

"I'm here!" Soap shouted from down the hallway, I watched him walk towards me as I started sobbing into Simon's chest while he held me. 

Soap walked up to the doctor, his face went pale to see me sobbing. 

"What is going on? I'm her sister." 

The doctor pulled Soap away from me to talk so he could give me space. This can't be happening, she's supposed to be here for when I have her first grandchild. I don't know what to think anymore, my whole world just came crashing down. After some time of being comforted and praying my father exited the room with a sad look on his face. My mother was the only person other then us kids that he had, she was his everything. Soap stood up and hugged my father as they both cried together, which made me cry again. My father hugged me tightly and wiped his tears, he was usually really good at hiding his emotions but this was uncontrollable. 

"One of you can see her now, one at a time please. I am gonna go get some fresh air real quick." 

I looked at Soap as he nodded for me to go in. 

My father walked off, Simon grabbed my hand gently and kissed me. 

"I'm gonna go out with your father." He said. 


I entered the room, there was a curtain on the side of the bed so I couldn't see her just yet. I paused and took a big breath so I didn't burst out crying again. I walked past the curtain and stood at the end of the bed staring at her. She was very pale and had so many things attached to her aching body. She slowly turned her head and looked at me with a smile on her face.

"Y/N.." She whispered 

"Hey mom." I forced a smile as some tears fell down my cheek.

I sat next to the bed holding onto her hand, she was cold and weak. I couldn't stand seeing her like this. 

"I was waiting to see my beautiful daughter." 

"They only allow one at a time, otherwise I would have been in here within seconds mama." I kissed her hand more times than I could count. 

"I'm sorry I won't be there for your first birth." 

My heart shattered.

"Mama don't say that, you don't have to be sorry for anything, okay?" I kissed her hand again as my hands shook. 

"I know she'll be just as beautiful as you." She smiled weakly. 

"Why didn't you tell me you were hurting?" 

"I didn't want to worry you."

"Mom, you're dying for Christ sakes!" I cried out.

"I know. I didn't want to fight this anymore. I love you so much." 

"I love you too." I cried and rested my head on her bedside as she rested her hand on my head.

Her weak cold hands slowly went through my hair, just like she would do when I was little. I would lay on her lap and she would run her hand through my hair for hours, it was so calming. I missed this feeling. This is the last time I'll ever feel her touch this way. 


Writing this has definitely got me tearing up haha. I listed this at "pt 1" as this part isn't done, I just need to separate pages! 

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