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sirius !! iamsirius
when prongs can't make practice AGAIN <<<<<<

pete ppettigrew
he said he was SICK iamsirius

sirius !! iamsirius

rems moonylupin
did i ever get to say thank you for passing on said tonsillitis to me ??? iamsirius

James rolls over in his bed, silencing his phone. He had messaged their band group chat merely five minutes before that he could not in fact make it to their scheduled practice due to nausea. And yet, within five minutes, Sirius has managed to both inform Twitter of his alement and have a hash tag trending that is decorated to James' health. Not even a hash tag could make James feel any better right now.

He grumbles as he tucks himself further beneath the warm, cosy blankets, a basin sitting next to his bed for his next round of throwing up. He sighs. "Fuck practice," He mumbles weakly to himself.

Sirius texts him after practice.

Excuse the trending of 'GET WELL SOON, PRONGS' and 'WE LOVE YOU JAMES'. I did not think it would go this viral. Oops. Anyways, hope you're feeling better. You want me to drop 'round with some supplies for you?

James smirks at the text before typing his response.

Can you bring a shotgun ??? I have a headache :(

Oh dear. Your tummy still sick too?

Oh, how James aches to tell Sirius no, he is not still nauseous to the point of delirium and that he has stopped throwing up every hour. He sighs before typing again.

Nope. Still throwing up :( don't know how I've managed to not pass it onto you or Remus and Pete.

I now feel a *tiny* bit bad for bad for putting you on blast on Twitter. I'll be over soon. You want me to bring anything specific? Do *not* say a shotgun, James.

James thinks for a moment, breathing in a deep breath of air. He thinks hard about any specific groceries he may need. With regards to the past few weeks, Sirius' sudden generosity surprises James, quite frankly. Ergo, he isn't too sure how to respond. He hadn't even expected a text from Sirius, let alone some comfort.

Sirius has been uncharacteristically out with James as of a few weeks prior. They haven't discussed it, how James' kiss with the handsomely delicate stranger had been unnecessarily. James knows that Remus had seen him and the stranger afterwards, in the pub, once Sirius was safely out of James' line of sight. James wonders if Remus has told his boyfriend.

Perhaps Sirius feels bad that James has been throwing up every single morning and afternoon. James is not going to question his kindness, however. He won't look a gift horse in the mouth.

James waits a few minutes before replying.

Can you bring me some porridge? Please?

Course. I'll be with you soon.

Sirius is with him sooner than James had expected him to be. He had intended on at least changing out of his pajamas, if not possibly having a quick shower, before Sirius is knocking at his front door. James staggers out of his bed, wrapping a dressing gown around himself and his plaid pajamas bottoms.

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