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It is a late August afternoon and Regulus picks James up right outside of his apartment building. He has the windows rolled down, a loose, baby blue collared t-shirt on, a pair of sunglasses resting on the bridge of his nose.

James gets into the passenger seat. "Well, good morning, James Bond," He smirks lightly, teasingly, as he buckles his belt. "If I'd have known that an international super spy was picking me up, I would've worn my good socks, you know,"

Regulus scoffs, chuckling. "How else am I supposed to drive with this goddamn sun?"

"Not a fan of the sun, are we?"

Regulus shakes his head, smirking a little. "To be honest, I just prefer not to be blinded while I'm driving," He offers.

"Well, drive on then, mister Bond," James smirks softly. "There's something I want to pick up before we head over to my parent's house,"

"Oh?" Regulus raises an eyebrow, one hand on the wheel while the other moves towards the gearstick.

James nods, humming. "Just a little something for my mum and dad," He adds. "Mum's knitting Stella a blanket, I want to...y'know, get my parents something nice to announce their granddaughters name with," He hesitates, stammering over his words slightly. "I know it's silly, but I just know that it would make their day," He cringes.

Regulus smiles softly, glancing at James before diverting his focus back to the road ahead. "I think that's really nice, James," He says. "Not silly at all," Regulus adds. "It''s really sweet,"

"You think so?"

"I do," Regulus nods. "She's lucky, you know?" He says gently. "To be getting such good grandparents," He hums lowly.

James smiles, resting his hand on his belly. "They love her, Regulus," He whispers. "So much already," He utters softly.

"So many people do; she's already so loved, James,"

James smiles, smoothing a hand over his small bump. He glances towards Regulus, just as their little girl starts to kick. "She really is," He utters, swallowing. "She must be able to hear us, you know? She's started kicking,"

James does not miss the way in which Regulus' breath catches in his throat before he speaks. "Really?"

"Mmh," James nods, humming.

"What...what does it feel like?" Regulus hesitates.

James squints, shrugging. "Kind of...kind of like a small thumping?" He supposes. "It's not that different from what you can feel from the outside, but it's still...different,"

He chooses his words carefully, not wanting to isolate Regulus from the united pod that is he and their daughter as of right now, as they collectively share one body. A couple of months ago, maybe even a month prior, James wouldn't have cared all too much about that sort of thing. But now? Now he would much rather they all be a united front, all three of them; together.

A united front between two people and their baby. That would usually be called a family, but James is still unsure whether or not he and Regulus count as a family just yet.

Maybe someday they might.

"Yeah?" Regulus asks. He stalls a little before speaking again. " it weird that I feel kind of proud of her? Y'know, for kicking?"

James shakes his head, smiling softly. "It's not weird at all," He assures. "It''s really sweet, actually, I'm glad you're a proud dad, it's really nice, Regulus," He utters. "Hey?"

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