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James braces himself with all that he mentally has as he dresses himself; hauling a maroon crew neck jumper over his messy hair.

He steps towards his wardrobe, in search of a pair of jeans. His favourite pair, in particular; the light wash denim pair that his mother had gifted him one Christmas. James tugs the jeans on, yanking them up in order to do up his zip. He reaches for the zipper, sighing, surprised, as he realises that it will not budge.

James' head snaps downwards, at his abdomen. He slowly rolls up the crew neck, looking into the large mirror hanging on his wall. His belly is pudgy; no longer as lean as it had always been, his muscle definition beginning to fade.

Yesterday, James had felt bloated, but it appears as though his belly had lost even more muscle definition over night. James rubs a hand down his abdomen, crew neck still rolled up to his ribs. "Hello in there," James mumbles, musing softly. "You're starting to make yourself known, aren't you, little thing?"

James feels oddly at home; his hand resting on his belly. He begins to slowly think of the little life that is living and growing inside of there, and how soon they'll be so much more than a little bit of bloating. They'll be a full bump, James' body will grow and stretch and ache to carry and house this baby. He won't be slightly bloated for much longer. This baby is making themselves known rather early.

James hums softly; staring at his reflection. "You know we saw you yesterday?" He whispers. "Your dad and I saw you, on the big screen, at the doctor's office. You looked great, by the way," He adds with a small, gentle chuckle. "All healthy, and alien like," James sighs softly. "And you've mostly stopped making your poor mama throw up, so cheers,"

Blinking, James smiles a little at his growing belly. He can not seem to take his eyes off of his small, slightly un-flat belly. "You're getting. bigger in there, aren't you?" He muses, as if his baby can even hear him. James strokes a hand down his belly once more; that feeling of maternal connection beginning to spurt. "Mama's going to be talking about you a lot today, little one. You're gonna be famous, huh?" James chuckles.

With one final yank, James manages to do up his zipper; however, he suspects that this may be the last time that he wears these jeans for the foreseeable future. He had barely managed to zip them up.

He pats his belly gently, giving himself one last look over in the mirror before hauling back down his crew neck; glancing at himself; ensuring that there are no distinctive signs that he is becoming visibly pregnant just yet.

He can handle the media taking away his pregnancy announcement and robbing him off sharing Regulus with the world too; but James will be damned if he has to share his body too. His body and all of it's changes will be remain his, just for another little while.

James brushes a hand through his hair, hoping to tame it before spritzing some cologne behind his ears and to the sides of his jaw. His phone makes a soft dinging sound from it's place on his bedside table.

The message is from Sirius; I'm parked outside in a yellow box. Get your pregnant arse down here xxx

James snorts, reaching behind his door for his black corduroy jacket and hauling it onto his body. It hides even more of him than the crew neck does, and that satisfies him greatly.

James walks down his hallway and reaches for a bowl on his hallway table to grab his apartment keys, locking the door behind as he steps outside into the wide corridor; rows of doors belonging to other apartments surrounding him.

He doesn't bother waiting for the elevator and instead jogs down the staircase; it takes him surprisingly longer to battle the four flights of stairs than usual. Yet another instance of pregnancy sneaking up on him.

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