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Regulus' car is warm when James sits into the passenger seat; the windows are slightly foggy, condensation sitting neatly atop of them.

"Morning," Regulus greets, his work attire ironed til the last; that infamous white shirt is uncrinkled, a blazer jacket replaces his usual corduroy one. A silver wrist watch sits on his wrist, gleaming; it appears expensive, perhaps a gift, perhaps self bought, James can not decide.

James observes him discreetly; the way in which his hair falls into his face, a faint smell of vanilla lingering; James can not tell if it is Regulus' cologne, or his shampoo; or maybe  a blend of both. Regulus smells good. Regulus looks good.

Regulus eyes James a little; shifting in the driver's seat, and James can tell that he may not have observed Regulus as discreetly as he had intended to.

James clears his throat, looking out the window, drawing his eyes away from Regulus. "You look nice, what are you all dressed up for? I thought you only had a half day of work today?" He inquires.

Regulus hums, scoffing a little as he replies. "I do," He confirms. "I just have a meeting, and that's all, really,"

"Well, I presume you're going to be the best dressed man in the office today," James smirks, a soft smirk; as he gazes back to Regulus, suddenly feeling rather underdressed; he is merely in a pair of sweats and a hoodie, ready to be poked and prodded by stylists and hair teams for the morning. "Very handsome," He teases, only half teasing. "And professional, very put together," He adds.

Regulus stiffs an awkward chuckle at this. "I...thanks, I think?" He offers gently, a slight laugh escaping past his lips. "You look nice too, you know," He says. "How are you feeling today?"

James thinks back to his achy back, his sore pelvis, and all of those other third trimester symptoms; and yet, he feels a lot better now that he is sitting in the aroma of Regulus' faint vanilla scent. All of the aches, and pains, and annoyance, have begun to fade.

Regulus just smells so good right now. He smells faintly of vanilla, a soft scent; one that doesn't trigger any sort of nausea within James.

It is a nice smell; a good one. Not too sharp, not too overwhelming; it is a subtle, discreet, scent, and it is radiating off of Regulus and James can not help but notice it, and he begins to wonder what kind of meeting Regulus has in store for himself today.

James hums, nodding. "I feel great, actually," James says; bringing his hands to rest over his bump, perhaps to bring himself back to the conversation, and out of his own mind.

Regulus' cologne is so comforting; James just can't help it, God, he can't help it. He isn't even sure what it is, maybe it is the lack of nausea, maybe it is something biological; he's having Regulus' baby, maybe Regulus' aroma has grown on him; maybe it is the fact that he is carrying Regulus' baby, maybe Regulus really does just smell that good.

"Really?" Regulus looks to him with a smile. "That's...that's really great, James, I'm glad to hear that," He murmurs softly. "And Stella? She feels great too, does she?" He questions kindly.

James shrugs, smiling lightly. "Well, if I feel great, surely she must too, right?" He surmises, with a faint chuckle; his cheeks are heating up and he isn't sure why; he makes a mental note to ask Regulus to throw out his damn cologne. "We...we kind of feel what the other is feeling, I think; I'm getting to that stage of pregnancy, y'know," He muses.

Regulus hums, smiling a soft sort of smile in response. "There's only ten more weeks of being in that stage, rockstar,"

"Yeah, then I just get to welcome the newborn stage where I essentially become a human milk bottle,"

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