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The second James arrives home, he opens his laptop and does the very thing that Regulus had asked him not to do.

"R. A. Black," James muses as he reads through the author of the article. "How mysterious of you, Regulus," He smirks a little.

The article is based on some sort of fashion trend from the eighties that is making a return and James can picture Regulus rolling his eyes at the topic. But he mustn't have, considering the article is there; existing, written by Regulus.

James reckons the piece is quite good, as he scrolls through the comments left on the online copy of the piece, praising the work. James himself is not very knowledgeable about what it takes to sell an article; but he presumes that Regulus doesn't do half bad with his writing gig.

His phone rings, interrupting his reading; Remus. James answers the call, putting Remus on speaker as he does so. "Hi, Moony," James greets, his voice less enthusiastic as it usually would be when speaking to the mousy haired man.

Remus doesn't speak for a moment. "So you're narky with me now?" He simply asks.

James sighs. "You now?" He repeats. "I wasn't narky with anybody. It was your boyfriend who was narky with me, Remus," James protests. "It's none of your business what I do, and it isn't Padfoot's either," James snaps a little.

"Alright," Remus sighs. "I'm sorry then, that I told Sirius you slept with Regulus. It wasn't any of my business," He apologises quickly. James can't even tell if he means it. "You met up with Regulus then, did you?"

"God, do you and Sirius run everything past one another?" James all but snaps.

"James, I'm just trying to have a conversation with you," Remus says pointedly. "I just wanted to check in and see how it went," He adds. "I'm sorry that I told Sirius about you sleeping with his brother. I am,"

"Well, Regulus is a peach, isn't he?" James grumbles, moving on from the short lived argument. "A writer? He's boring, Remus. I...I don't know how either of us are going to get through this pregnancy-"

"Well, you have to get through more than the pregnancy, don't you?" Remus pipes up. "You're having his baby, Prongs, you're going to be permanent figures in each others lives, mate, you don't just get rid of Regulus after you've delivered the baby,"

James just hums in response.

"What're you doing now?" Remus asks.

"Right now? Googling my baby daddy, against his request," James replies, keying R. A. Black into the search engine for more precise details.

An abundance of links and articles appear on his screen. "Oh," Remus muses a little. "I was gonna ask you over for dinner, if you wanted to get a takeaway. Pete's coming over too, should be a nice evening," He yawns a little. "But, if you're too caught up stalking Reg, then I understand,"

"S'not stalking, Moony," James shakes his head, clicking on an image of Regulus. "I just want to know who the father of my child is," He rationalises. "It isn't my fault that he has such a large online presence,"

"He's a really good writer, James, he writes for a big shot magazine, you know?"

Fucking liar, James thinks. "Yeah? He told me he wrote for the local paper," James quotes.

"Well, arguably, that isn't a lie. The magazine is sort of a local paper, they have a huge office in downtown London," Remus explains. "Besides, you have a pretty large online presence too, so don't be surprised if Regulus googles you as well,"

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