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Marauders band member, James Potter, has made it social media official with his band mate's brother!

Yes! You read that correctly! James Potter and Regulus Black have had their very first, and hopefully not their last, social media interaction.

This particular interaction additionally serves as Black's first public acknowledgment of the child that he and Potter are going to share. Black, who is a revered writer for Starlight magazine, is the younger brother of Potter's band mate, Sirius Black.

Private and making an independent name for himself outside of his brother's fame, Regulus has yet to make a public statement regarding his child. The younger of the Black brother's Instagram is compiled with photographs of his friends, fellow writers Evan Rossier and Barty Crouch Junior, adorned with photographs of his cats, and other mundane things. Fans are hoping to soon see more intimate screenshots of the writer's life, especially regarding his current entanglement with Potter. The two have yet to make a public appearance together, and be spotted out and about with one another.

James closes his phone, only bothering to read half of the article as he turns to grimace at Lily, whom he has met for lunch before his sixteen week appointment, at Weasley's café. Regulus is meeting him at the doctor's office, on his lunch break, and for once; James isn't worried, not in the slightest, about any void, barren silences between he and Regulus while they wait together in the waiting room.

Well, not as worried, considering the mess of an article that he has just read out loud to Lily. James wagers that Regulus could definitely write something better; certainly not as sloppy.

"So," Lily trails, picking up a crouton from her salad and popping it into her mouth. "How are things with the baby Black?" She winks. "Mary was telling me that you two were really starting to get along," She beams, resting her chin in the palm of her hand; locks of autumn ginger hair falling into her face as she does so. "That article sounded promising, you know," She sniggers.

James shrugs, taking a bite out of his usual toasted sandwich. He swallows before replying. "Yeah, it's been alright, I guess," He muses. "Did I tell you that I met Regulus' cats? They're fucking adorable, Lils, and I don't even particularly like cats, you know?"

Lily grins a little, rolling her eyes. "I asked about Regulus, James, not about his cats, silly," She shakes her head.

James hums, sipping at his glass of orange juice. "He's alright, Lily. We're getting along just fine lately," He answers honestly. "I'm meeting him at the doctor's office after our lunch, so we're pretty sturdy at the minute," He remarks. "I taught him how to work his way around the kitchen, you know? It's a work in progress," He admits with a chuckle.

Lily smirks, nodding, as she sips at her latte. "I'm glad you two are beginning to become friends," She comments. "He's a nice kid, you know. He wouldn't put a foot wrong, James," She says. "Not regarding this baby, anyways,"

James smiles softly, nodding. "I know. I'm beginning to see that," He muses. "My bump is coming along, Regulus seemed pretty excited about it; well, we both called it cool and moved on from it, but...but he seemed really happy about it," He shrugs once more.

"Ah! James! You didn't tell me that you had a little bump!" Lily beams, her jade green eyes lighting up.

James nods, grinning a little. He gestures to his jumper clad abdomen. "Uh huh. Large and in charge, I guess," He muses.

Lily smiles again. "Do you think Regulus will be bumping you up from baby mama to latest Instagram post then?" She laughs, rolling her eyes as she mocks the article. "Honestly, what a load of shite. The media is grasping at straws for headlines about you both," She snorts.

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