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James' bump has certainly popped out, now that he's looking at himself full on, freshly showered, a towel wrapped around his waist and his hair dripping; he's getting ready for his twenty four week appointment. He's just almost heading towards his sixth month of pregnancy now, on the verge of it; the dreaded third trimester.

James hauls on a pair of black joggers, not even bothering to tie them at his waist; he has grown more comfortable this way, his belly growing a little more every single day; little Stella more physically noticeable now than she ever had been before.

He smiles a little, a timid sort of smile, as he runs a hand over his abdomen. "We're in the home stretch now, little love," James mumbles gently. "Just a few more months and you'll be out, and then we can get to know one another in a way that doesn't stretch poor mummy out, eh?" He offers with a soft chuckle.


James smiles at the thought. He gently taps the palms of his fingers against his skin. "I...I can't wait to be your mummy, you know that, right?" James hums softly. "Not...not really even just a mum, more so your mum," He adds. "I...I really can't wait to meet you, sweetheart," James says softly, voice tender.

"Your dad and I will have to get cracking on with your nurseries at some point, you know," James smiles. "I have the perfect room for you, it's the one right next to my bedroom," James whispers. "It's got this lovely view, and loads of room for all of the presents that you'll have,"

"Your dad's already started moving furniture out of the way for you at his apartment," James utters, blinking. "How lucky are you, mmh? Getting two nurseries, one at my apartment and one at your dad's,"

The sound of his phone ringing halts James and he moves to pick his phone up from its place on his bedside table.


James presses answer, and brings the phone to his ear. "Morning, Padfoot,"

"Good morning, Prongs, and mini baby girl Prongs," Sirius' smile is evident in his voice.

James snorts. "To what do I owe the pleasure?"

"Just calling to remind you about our meeting with Minnie later-"

"Shit," James dumbfounds.

Sirius laughs. "I was thinking you'd have forgotten it,"

"Can pregnancy brain work as an excuse?" James smirks, with a small shrug of his shoulders.

"I'd say we could let you away with it, just this once,"

"Right. So what time is this bloody meeting at?" James asks. "Because I've got an appointment, so I might be running a little late," He remarks.

"Minnie scheduled it for three," Sirius says. "What time is your appointment?"

"Two," James answers, furrowing his eyebrows as he thinks. "Regulus is picking me up at half one, but I should be finished around half two? Maybe three at the latest, and then I'll need some time to get there," He surmises.

"I'm sure Reg would have no problem dropping you down to Minnie's office,"

James nods. "I might have to call in a favour with him," He grins.

Sirius laughs once more; a soft chuckle. "What's in today's agenda for your appointment?" He questions.

James shrugs, placing a hand down to his belly. "Probably just to check up on her, make sure she's healthy and doing okay," He hums. "The bump has really started to pop out, so I'm hoping that's a good sign,"

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