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James quickly unslings his guitar from around his body as he makes a lunge towards the nearest bin in the studio.

"Oh, Prongs, not again," Remus moans softly, abandoning his own guitar in favour of gently soothing a palm down James' bent back.

"Yes, Moony, again," James utters hoarsely as he heaves. He feels his throat burn as he clutches at the metal of the bin that sits in the corner of the studio.

"Maybe you should go home, get some rest, Prongs," Peter advises softly, setting down his drumsticks. "I think Mcgonagall will forgive you this time," He adds.

Sirius nods in agreement. "We'll be fine without you, mate, take a few hours off," He reassures.

"Have you eaten anything today?" Remus asks softly, humming as he does so. "You're just throwing up bile at the minute, pet,"

James shakes his head in a weary fashion. "I...I had a slice of toast?" He offers.

"That's okay," Remus murmurs. "Would you like something to eat? Something that won't upset the baby?" He suggests in a quiet tone.

James swallows. Sirius strolls over to him, holding out his ring clad hand; a bottle of water in his grip. "Here, let's...let's take a breather, mmh? Go out for lunch, if you're up for it, Prongs?"

"I think I can do lunch," James mumbles quietly. He nods to himself, taking a sip from the bottle of water. "I can manage lunch," He eventually settles on.

"Brilliant. How about that little café downtown then?" Sirius asks. "Would the baby like some soup and a nice, warm toasted special from Weasley's?"

Weasley's. The place of dreams. James would die for a bowl of Mrs Weasley's tomato and basil soup. He looks down to his belly. "I love Molly Weasley's soup, you know, so you better enjoy it for the both of us,"

Peter smiles a little. "You tell 'em, Prongs," He laughs softly. "C'mon then, grab your coats, it's only a short walk anyways,"

Over a pot of tea and many toasted sandwiches, James shows his friends the sonogram of his little baby; tucked beneath the surface of, for now, unswollen skin.

"So, this is really them?" Remus asks, investigating the grey image; clutching the photo lightly between his fingertips. He looks over to James. "Like, this dot is inside of you and they'll actually become a baby?"

"Yes, Remus, my beloved. That's how pregnancy works, isn't it?" Sirius smirks, bringing his mug to his lips, a fond expression on his face.

Remus rolls his eyes. "Yeah, but this is a dot, Pads," He says pointedly. "James doesn't even look pregnant right now,"

Sirius shrugs. "Andy says that Reg was a tiny baby, maybe he'll have a tiny baby too," He muses.

"Hey, that's not how it works-" Peter starts but he silences himself when something catches the immediate attention of his blue eyes. "Hey," He hums softly. "Speak of the devil,"

James' head snaps around to the direction of Peter's eyes. He tries not to scoff. Why are you everywhere?

Regulus stands at the counter, a tall blond by his side; clutching a disposable cup of coffee, if James' nostrils are correct.

James hopes, upon all hopes, that Regulus doesn't notice him. He thinks that he will implode if he has to endure anything awkward, lightly humorous, conversation with the father of his child.

James silently pleads with his three best friends not to instigate a conversation.

James' silent wishes go unanswered. "Oi," Sirius calls and Regulus turns around. James wants to sink into the floor and perish. "Reg, hey,"

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