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James swallows back as much anxiety as he can manage to, tasting the bitterness of it as he looks to Regulus. "Just...just walk, it'll be fine," He reassures lightly. "It's...I won't lie to you, it's bad the first time. You get...y'know, nervous, and a little scared," He stammers. "But it'll be okay. It'll be scary, but they can't actually hurt us; not without a severe lawsuit afterwards, anyways," James adds.

He watches Regulus observing the booming crowd, his face set, features somehow unsettled amongst it. He swallows, nodding, however he does not reply.

James sighs a little. "They'll just, y'know, crowd you, maybe, but they know that so much as one push or shove and they'll be served papers. They can't actually do anything to us, they can just take photos," He reminds. He swallows. "It's going to be alright, Regulus, you'll be fine,"

It's going to be alright. Please? We just found out we're having a baby girl, a tiny little girl, just for us, and now that moments going to be forever tainted and ruined by all of this. Please, let me tell you just how alright it's all going to be. I promise.

James hadn't gotten to announce his own pregnancy, and he will be damned if the prying media ruins the hour that  he found out that he is having a daughter.

Regulus stiffens a little, silver eyes still fixated on the crowd waiting for them outside of the doors. This is the very first time that James has seen a genuine sense of fear and worry upon Regulus' face. He didn't seem fearful in the slightest when James had announced his pregnancy to him. But now? Now, he looks downright terrified.

James knows that Regulus is a private person by nature, and he fears that this won't end very well for either of them.

"I walked through this earlier, you know," Regulus says. "But...but I think that it's going to be more rough if we do it together,"

James takes a small breath in. "Let's...let's just walk, alright? Just keep your head down, and don't respond to them. We're going to have to get to your car one way or another, and I'm too fucking starving to wait this out," He says firmly, aiming to take some form of initiative. His mind wanders with thoughts that he ends up saying out loud. "We've just found out we're having a baby girl, they can't take that sort of thing away from either of us, Regulus," He utters in a quiet voice.

James expects Regulus to protest, to cower a little, however, Regulus nods. "Okay," He breathes out. He accepts their fate and James is almost glad for it.

James merely hums in response, bracing himself for the booming crowd outside of the hospital doors. He had tried media training Regulus as quickly as he can and to the very best of his ability; and he just has to hope that it works. He walks towards the door, he motions for Regulus to walk next to him.

The reporters are loud and abrasive as soon as James pushes open the door, his head hung low, eyes on the tarmac of the car park.

Cameras flash instantly, the sounds of lenses shuttering booming. The crowd clambers, shouts for the attention of James and Regulus began as soon as they had opened the door and stepped out into the car park.

"James! James! This is Rita Skeeter with The Daily Prophet," A blonde woman nearby yells, waving a microphone in his face. He ignores her and merely continues walking. She trails after him, separating herself from the crowd.

James only continues to keep walking. "When is your baby due? When can we be expecting a photo of them for the paper? You'll be sure to give us the first scoop once they arrive, won't you? You will give us the right to publish the first article about them," She isn't asking. Rita Skeeter is telling James.

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