Among Us Pt 4

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Jin Zixuan and Xue Yang did not talk to one another as they walked down the hall, their flashlights being shown into every crevice possible for anything out of the ordinary. the ship was super creepy now that there were very few people awake. Jin Zixuan checked his tablet and frowned when he saw a few indicators that were just up the hall.

"Hold it... there's a couple of people up ahead... One just left...." Suddenly there was a strange rattling in the vent above them and both pulled out their laser pistols and aimed up at the vent. There were no openings here. "The fuck was that?"

"... Don't know... let's go, someone could be hurt." Xue Yang says, slowly moving down the hall, keeping his back to the wall.

"Right... we'll check and then hit the Emergency button." Jin Zixuan agrees as they slowly make their way up the hall, Xue Yang keeping his eyes on the vent shaft over their heads while the gold clad young man kept an eye out on the ground. Getting to the fuel storage room, he opens the door. "Holy fucking hell!?"

Xue Yang looks down and pales. Lying in before them was someone's left leg and right hand, over by the fuel panel was their head and strew across the rack of cleaning supplies was their insides. Suddenly on the tablet a red alert button appeared and Jin Zixuan pressed it and fast. The halls turned bright orange and an automated voice recording began playing as an alarm sounded off. It took only a handful of moments for the others to join them, Captain Wen looking unhappy to see that two of his crew were not with their designated buddies, but that could be dealt with later and in private.

"What is it?" He demands.

"Sir, we found these two and they got blood on their hands..." Nie Mingjue says as he and Lan Xichen shove the two men, that Xue Yang could have sworn he left hogtied up in one of the jefferies tubes somewhere near reactor, at the feet of the captain. they both looked a bit wild eyed and had blood splatters all over their dark grew suits.

"Wait blood...?" Wen Qing, one of their doctors gasped and looked nervously at the room behind the two younger men. "Is--"

"It's a mess in there..." Xue Yang says. "From what we could see in the limited light of our flashlights, not everything is there..."

"Oh fuck..." someone mutters sounding like they were gonna be sick to their stomach.

Wen Rouhan takes a long breath before he quickly orders everyone to the caf to wait for a report. he kept the two possible culprits behind with Nie Mingjue and Lan Xichen as well as Jin Zixuan and Xue Yang. once it was just them, they step into the room and it takes every effort for Wen Rouhan to not want to throw up, especially after what looked like half a liver fell right onto his red and gold shoulder pad with the Captain stars pinned it.

"We didn't do this!! That kid is fucking insane!! He threatened us!!" the rapist yells, pointing at Xue Yang, who growls at him.

"Yeah! He threatened to kill us!!"

"Xue Yang may be a deliquent, but even he knows better than to fuck around..." Wen Rouhan says. "You two have history with violent crimes... so please, convince me to spare your lives...."

"We started our patrol like you ordered and when we leaving the engines this little shit attacked up and said he would kill us if we breathed the wrong way near him! He left us tied up in the Jefferies!" The Serial Killer is quick to explain.

"I can confirm that I did threaten them, but they are leaving out one key piece of info: I said that I would kill them if they even thought to touch any of my family, especially my ma, sis or my cousin." Xue Yang growls, flashing red eyes. "The knots were supposed to be impossible to untie, but somehow you two are free. I wandered around alone from the Jefferies through the only hall that leads to the Medbay hall. I met my old man and he already scolded me for being alone and told Princy over here to walk with me. We came down this hall, about 10 paces back we heard a strange sound in the vent."

"Like something crawling through it, but before that I was checking my map and saw a couple of markers in this room, one suddenly vanished and the one remained when the sound happened, we pulled out our pistols and slowly made our way. We thought someone was hurt and was gonna administer first aid, but then....." Jin Zixuan waved at the mess. "After that I called the EA and here we are now... We haven't moved from here and if the punk wanted to kill me, he had more than enough time to do it. If he did kill, why are you two still alive?"

"...." Wen Rouhan sighs and turns to the two older males who have not said a word since they found the pair. "Anything to add?"

"I found him trying to pry open a vent cap near where those needing close medical attention were sleeping. If I recall correctly that vent leads to several of the rooms in the Med ward and there is only one in that particular room." Lan Xichen says. "I was going to check the vents in the morning to make sure they were still sealed shut since whatever keeps killing the crews that get sent out here seems to like using them. Since we managed to escape the last ship, we agreed to keep the vents sealed and monitored."

"I personally welded them all shut, sir... the brats heard something in the vent... that means someone opened one up... and there are four vents in this room. One here next to the door, two over in the back corners and one just above the middle of the room. The branch out over the whole ship." Nie Mingjue adds and carefully picks his way around the room to check the vents finding the one in the back left corner opened. ".... this is the one that goes towards medical and from there to the Engines..."

"I bet if we check the vents in Engines, one of them will open up..." Xue Yang growls. "So not only did you get free, but your trying to sabotage the crew!"

"Mr. Xue calm down!" Wen Rouhan says. "You are both covered in blood, how did that get on you if you were tied up?"

"We... we don't know!"

"Sir, perhaps we should check for a weapon? Something sharp, possibly serrated..." Lan Xichen suggests.

"We find the weapon we find the killer... if not we will put it to a vote." Wen Rouhan agrees and has Mingjue search the two unsavory men.

It is tense for the two minutes it takes to check and the Rapist has a bloody knife in his side pouch and the right hand of the dead man, the one keyed to the biometric lock to the weapons armory.

"No! I didn't!! I swear!! I don't know how I got this-- no!! Please you have to believe me!!" the rapist screams as Wen Rouhan grabs him and marches to caf as the others follow behind him, Xue Yang growling at the Serial Killer, who is trying to plead the Rapist's case, they had been trapped together the whole time, that it couldn't have been him.

"So it had to have been you, since you are a known killer. Who is to say you didn't scratch the itch and when you got caught, you pinned it on you so-called 'buddy?' For all we know you both planned this..." Jin Zixuan snarls, glaring at him, the fact that at any point they could have found his wife and the others set his fangs on edge. They walked into the caf and the two men were tossed before the whole crew, though the Rapist was clearly in cuffs.

Wen Rouhan explained what had been discovered and had them all plead their cases. He didn't even get to ask for a vote when everyone was demanding the madman get sent out the airlock without his helmet. Especially after the man admitted to being a rapist, not a murderer. Needless to say he was sent out into the vacuum of space and the other man was locked in the brig for the time being. A clean up crew was put together the remains were given last rights before they were incinerated. After that the groups were remade and all was well...

That is until a week later when the body of Jin Crewmate was found...

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