Wei Ying continued to ignore the others, speaking with Zidian, Lady of Lightning. She apologized for her past actions against himself and many others, but voiced that she followed her bonded's commands often realizing too late it was not for the defense or protection of innocents. He nods, a frown on his beautifully handsome face. He knew he looked lile his mother, with the eye shape and even the tall, frame of his father. He was svelte like his mother, often lending him a feminine appearance which he used to his advantage at times.
"I see... So it matters not who it is, you whip them for annoying you, for questioning you or daring to defy you. You whip them for being better than your son, who clearly has your twisted sense of graditude... You see, when my parents died, I had searched for their bodies and as previously stated, slept beside them crying and hoping they would wake up so we could go home. But when the stench began to emanate from them, I knew they would never wake again. I took all we had, which they thankfully put into their qianjun pouches, though most were sealed against a curious toddler and later child. I could not use our money until now. But among the items, I found a diary and my mother wrote of the admirable Lady Yu, how strong and willful she was. She admired your strength and had offered you aid when Young Maiden Jiang was ill as an infant and likely would have died since no one knew what to do or how to help her. And what is the thanks my mother gets? To be called a whore, to be belittled and ridiculed by the one she admired and wished to befriend. To have her husband's former friend feed the jealousy and anger in your black heart. And your son clearly takes after you. Otherwise I would not be here now. Perhaps it is my own foolishness for being willing to always help and sacrifice myself for the sake of others, but that is because I am incapable of Envy, incapable of feeling or even giving into jealousy... Hence the courtesy name my father had wished to bestow upon me when I was old enough to hapve it. He who is without Envy; Wuxian." Wei Ying glares at them.
"Be that as it may, you are still a user of dark and corrupted power... Take him to the dungeons. We will discuss his fate..." Fengmian orders, but Wei Ying narrows his eyes at the odd light in his eyes.
'I will need to flee and soon...' He thinks as he is escorted to the dungeons and the wooden cuffs are secured to pair of chains that hold his hands above his head and he cannot move least he allow his whole weight to rest on his delicarlte wrists.
He says nothing to the guards as they search him and find the qiankun pouches, but find they cannot be opened since his mother spelled them against anyine who did not share their blood or was considered friends and family. He also added his own protections that prevented anyone from breaking them. He stands there for hours before a poor servant girl shakily comes in looking at him as if he would eat her alive and he is certain the Jiangs are currently running his name through the mud. Oh well, he will let Yunmeng suffer for a few years due to their own hubris. Though he will need to break out soon to make sure both the ungrateful Heir and the kind heiress are fully recovered before he heads on his merry way.
She has a bowl and a sponge. She dips it in and quickly sets it on a pole to raise it towards his mouth. He has ro give her credit for her quick thinking if she was told he would devour her soul if she got too close. He lafches into the sponge and sucks as much water from it as he can, thankful for some water. The sponge is pulled back after a few moments and the girl is rather reluctant to come closer, but she must if she is to feed him the broth her Young Lady bid her to bring him.
"You are quite brave and smart." He comments when she gets closer. "Oh, broth? Is it vegetable broth?" He asks hopeful.
Growing up in the Burial Mounds, Wei Ying had lost his appetite for meat after a few too many 'desperate times call for desperate measures' moments where he at the 'meat' his undead care gives got for him. One of them had been a Lan by marriage, her unrested would hurt and angry at her murder and how she left her darling sons without a mother. She said he would fit in well with the Lan, minus his love for flavors, especially spices.
The girl nods, pale and shaking, but carefully holding the flask of broth to his lips using a second sponge under his chin to catch any dribbles. She helps him drink it and he sighs at the rich flavor and the lerfect zing of spice the broth. The taste of celery and spring onions made him hum happily. Once the flask was empty, he thanked the girl who quickly gathered her things and p aused before fleeing. She nods once and tells her that Young Lady Jiang insisted he have food and water. Wei Ying sniled pleased he had been correct about the Young Lady Jiang Yanli. He hoped she was blessed by the gods with a Long, happy and love filled life. He Will have to make her a protection charm when he leaves. A good soul like hers was hard to come by and deserved protection...

Wangxian Prompt/Self-fill Dump
FanfictionDisclaimer: I do not own anything minus a few of the creative names, titles and the odd OC that pops up! The respective Authors, Artists, Craftsmen and anyone else I might have missed own everything else you see in this Fic!! So I have this cross po...