Medusa Pt 4

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After the Yiling delegation was shown to their rooms and had sufficient rest, they met back in the hall for dinner. Wei Ying and the other two handmaids kept their veils up even as they ate, but Wei Ying was tracing the not eunch that seemed to be assigned to him or at least the Yiling higher ups in general.

"Why are they still veiled?" Queen Yu asks, though her tone was just shy o of a demand.

"Just as I am wearing one." Wen Qing waves at her own veil, which is identical to those of her maids. "It is so I can easily hide among them in th even a possible assassination event occurs. the robe veils are identical to keep even the smartest Assassin guessing who the real Queen is." Wen Qing sips her tea carefully, after catching a sutle nod form Wei Ying that it was safe to drink. "Even my brother has one and his attendants were matching ones for the same reasons."

""So for all we know, we are talking to a decoy who was trained to be your shadow." Prince Jiang says, looking impressed.

"Tsk, coward..." Queen Yu scoffs.

"Am I a coward? If I were killed my brother would assume the throne and if he were killed before he could have an heir, our small kingdom is lost. If my brother wee killed before I and I am left childless before my own death, the same situation. And many would kill my brother just to get at me. How many people would target yor children to get at you, yor majesty?" Wen Qing challenges."Everyone knows what yourchildren look like and will easily find and kill them if they felt so inclined. Having a body souble or two is a good ideas. It is too late to keep their identities secret, but veils work wonders in confusing the would be murderer."

"Are you threatening my children!?" Queen Yu demands.

"No. Merely stating that hiding one's identity is far from stupid or cowardice. I refuse to die before I complete my goals and ensure the safety and happiness of not only my brother but my people as well." Wen Qing states calmly and leaves the Yunmeng Queen sputtering in out rage.

Queen Yu refuses to speak to her after that as King Jiang tries to salvage the mood by asking about her kingdom and the treaty. He would not blame the youger woman for withdrawing it. It would be the first time his wife ruined relations and them blamed the other party for her own fault. Queen Wen is thankfully receptive to the talks and does not appear ready to withdraw her offer.

Wei Ying half listens to them as he keeps his senses on the not Eunuch. He is trying to place that particular incense scent and where he smelt it before. But his terrible memory was working against him. He knows he smelt it... He is thinks of something yellow, but is distracted by Jiang Wanyin asking about the legendary monster that supposedly lives in the Burial Mounds that creeps just at the outer edge of the Yiling kingdom.

"Why would I know anything about it? I have forbidden my people from ever venturing into the Forrest least they plan to commit suicide." Wen Qing says. "Other tham that we leave wine and a little bounty of fruits and rice to appease the Burial Mounds and it seems to keep most of the dangers away. We are small and have only myself, my brother and one other as Cultivators. It is why I am here. One of the clauses os that Yunmeng Jiang aid us when summoned to deal with a big or numerous threat to my people. We will trade out medicine and wine in exchange if we cannot pay you outright."

"That is most fair." Jiang Fengmian says ignoringnthe Madam's scowl and scoff.

Wei Ying frowns minutely under his veil at the topic if himself. Hebhas done nothinf ro hurt anyone and his mother only wenr after rhise who attacked her or were corrupted. Other than that she left everyone alone. And yet people wanted him dead. Wei Ying eats his dinner, hoping to forget that part of the convo when he gets a chance....

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