Like a Phoenix, I rise Pt 2

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Lan Zhan took off his travel robe and wrapped it over Wei Ying, who gasped at the softness as well as the warmth. Then he seemed to remember he was filthy and tried to protest, but Lan Zhan firmly states that Wei Ying needs it before grabbing his hand, making sure they both had their toys and pulled him along. They had barely walked away from the alleyway when the much younger voice of his brother reached them and the concerned voices of some of the older disciples.

"Didi!" Lan Huan cries out as he runs up to him, looking worried, before seeing Wei Ying and blinking confused as well as worried when he notices the child's state. "A'Zhan, who is this?"

"Wei Ying is Wei Ying. Wei Ying is Lan Zhan's friend!" The four year old chirps proudly and Lan Zhan cannot help the childish urge to puff up his chest in pride at the innocent but heartfelt declaration.

"Xiongzhang, Wei Ying is alone. Want to bring him back with us... protect and care for him." He demands and it shocks the small group because this is the most he's ever said to them and even then this is the first time he's asked for anything!

"We will ask Uncle. But are we certain he is alone?" Lan Huan asks.

"A'Niang and a'Die went to fight monsters, but the monsters ate a'Niang and a'Die... Wei Ying waited very long for them, the Uncle at the inn kicked Wei Ying out after a while... Wei Ying went to look for a'Niang and a'Die... Wei Ying slept next them for days before they smelt bad and Wei Ying knew they were gone." The child explains and the others are horrified, but feel sympathy.

"I see... come, we'll talk to Uncle and get Wei Ying a warm bath and some soup." Lan Huan says, feeling instantly protective of this child who was barely younger than his own brother.

"Mn... want to see a'Niang when home..." He says in a firm tone that leaves no room for argument.

Again everyone is shocked at the tone and demand, but say nothing because this is a first for them. For now they are taken to the Inn where their Uncle proceeds to scold Lan Zhan, who ignores it in favor of helping Wei Ying hold his spoon properly and eat his soup. Lan Qiren is thrown for a loop because Lan Zhan was acting strange. Never before has his usually docile and obedient nephew dared to defy him or make demands. And yet the child, only 6, was making compelling arguments to accept this orphan into the Sect and to see his mother as soon as they get back home. Lan Qiren isn't sure what to make of this and seeing Lan Huan also doting on the child didn't help. He rarely gave into his more doting side, but when it came to his nephews, he tended to be a bit more lenient about indulgences. So needless to say, when they headed home the next day, Wei Ying was with them, bathed and wearing one of Lan Zhan's robes to replace the rags he had worn, little feet bandaged and covered in boots as well as his hands. The child was being carried by one of the female disciples after the healer stated that the child should not be on his feet or move too much due to the level of frostbite he had been suffering from.

Getting the new child settled was quickly dealt with because yet again, Lan Zhan demanded Wei Ying stay with him and a Pavilion be prepared for him near the Jinshi and the Handshi so Wei Ying could be close to the brothers. His arguments were sound and very little fault could be found and even fewer counter arguments dared to crop up. As the Lans got things going to build a new pavilion and the like, the Twin Jades took their newest friend to see their mother, a full two weeks sooner than the last time Lan Zhan has seen her alive. She was surprised to see them and welcomed them with a warm smile and could not help but tease Lan Zhan when he introduced His Wei Ying. the laughter brought so much life to her face and she cooed and doted as much as she could on them. Wei Ying seemed to be distracted with something before he startled them all by speaking to the air near Madame Lan.

"Stop making her sick! She's a'Zhan and a'Huan's mama! Don't make them sad or I will be mad!" He suddenly says and to their shock, he grabs something that comes into view and they realize it is a malicious spirit. "You're mean, go away now!" Wei Ying orders and when the spirit refuses, even dares to slap the child away, instead of crying, Wei Ying gets a familiar light in his eyes and Lan Zhan is quick to call Wangji, who looked gray which meant it was about to transition into Fuchou Zhi Zhan. His little fingers are braced, ready to strum if needed. "... A'Die!!" Wei Ying yells and the straw doll of his father moves and a spirit rises from it, forming a Fierce Corpse not unlike Wen Ning had been before Wei Ying's death, grabbing the spirit.

"A'Zhan, a'Ying!!" Lan Huan looks scared, worried even, but cannot do more than watch as the two dark spirits fight and then the Fierce Corpse suddenly wins.

Lan Zhan takes this time to play on Wangji, Clarity and Inquiry in something of a mash up. He listens closely to the Spirit before Wangji turns fully black and with a sharp strum, the Spirit of his father's late Laoshi is banished to never haunt their mother ever again. Lan Zhan is furious, but when Wei Ying places a small hand on his, he lets it go.

"It's okay, a'Zhan, Wei Ying is use to hits like that. A'Die, thank you, go back to sleep now!" He tells the Fierce Corpse, after hugging his leg. the undead being pats Wei Ying's head with a tender smile on his deathly pale face before turning to ash and then vanishing back into the doll.

"What..." Madam Lan gasps.

"A'Ying sensed something and was trying to protect you, a'Niang... He and a'Zhan banished it..." Lan Huan explains, floored at the raw power and talent of the two boys, hardly children, but so powerful. "A'Zhan who or what was that?"

"Sect Leader's Laoshi... Wanted to a'Niang, wanted her to die and be his. This one refused..." He says and Madame Lan pales before she sighs and makes the children come sit closer to her.

"You asked me once why I couldn't leave... I lied and told you it was because I am sickly. That is not it... Before you two were born, well all three of you really, but semantics, I use to be a rogue Cultivator. I traveled from town to town , city to city, selling my skills to those who needed it for room and food for the night, only accepting coin if they insisted on paying me properly. I met your father once and he fell in love with me, head over heels in love, but I did not love him back... I still do not love him... But he refused to leave me be. He petitioned the Elders to marry me and one of them, his Laoshi, came to 'test my worthiness.' He attempted to force himself on me and I fought back, I grabbed a metal insense tray and bashed him on the head with it. I didn't realize it at the time, but the blow killed him almost instantly. Your father was torn between his love of me and his hatred at my killing his beloved Laoshi, he never even asked me why I had done it. He married me to keep me from being killed and I had very little choice in the matter. So wedded and he came to me once a month to sleep with me. We had a'Huan first and then 5 years later we had a'Zhan... after that he stopped seeing me altogether. I was forbidden to leave and even then I wasn't even allowed to hold my own sons until they were old enough to walk and talk, visiting me only once a month..."

Her sons are a mix of heartbroken, angry and full of so much love for their mother, whom was more a parent to them than their father had ever been. Wei Ying is pouting fiercely, his 'angry face' as Lan Zhan recalled him saying in his last life time when he had seen it aimed at Jiang Wanyin, who was ignoring him. Lan Huan wipes his eyes and seems to get a determined look on his face.

"A'Niang, I might not be able to do much, but I am going to tell the Elders to let us see you every day from now on! How dare they punish you for protecting yourself!! I will tell them what happened today--"

"Do not mention the Fierce Corpse, Xiongzhang... They will not understand and will hurt Wei Ying." Lan Zhan orders fiercely, startling mother and brother. Wei Ying just giggles and pats his head.

"Aiya, a'Zhan's so scary! No worries, Wei Ying is Lan Zhan's Wei Ying no matter what!" He chirps inoccently and Madame Lan cannot help but giggle when her son's ears turn pink and he gives a shy nod and hum in agreement.

"This big brother will do his best. This First son shall return, a'Niang!" He bows and then runs off, ignoring the rules about running in the Cloud Recess.

As Lan Zhan watches his mother and his future husband bond, he feels Wangji hum with a darker song of praise from Fuchou Zhi Zhan. He sets it on the low table and decides to recompose Wangxian as they wait for Lan Huan to come back. He will ask Wei Ying later about how he was able to summon a Fierce Corpse. He had thought he learned that ability during his time in the Burial Mounds, but it seems he's always had a gift for Resentful Engery...

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