The strange dance between himself and Lin Zhang kept up for weeks after that. The Alpha often coming over, bringing delicious food with him, which apparently he made himself! He brought groceries and when they would order out, he paid for it, refusing to let Wei Ying pay him back or offer anything else as compansation. Lin Zhang watched his boys with a calm patience, even when Xue Yang was in a bad mood and gave him attitude. It helped the man brought a couple of his bunnies with him one time and that finally sold Xue Yang because no matter what or who the fathers of his boys had been, all of Wei Ying's boys loved bunnies. He himself found it cute that he was being followed around by a hyper black bunny and a pure white one, who followed leisurely and was content to watch the black one preform Zoomies and Binkies or paw at Wei Ying's legs when he would prepare dinner, looking for a treat or a snack. Wei Ying laughed at the sight of Lin Zhang, Xue Yang and Wen Yuan all laying on their backs with a bunny laying on their bellies as a few others curled around them.
Wei Ying was falling for this gentlemanly Alpha and he knows he shouldn't, he really shouldn't, but how can he not?
How many Alphas would refuse to take sex from an Omega, when offered? How many would help an Omega raise children that are not the Alpha's? How many would spend large amounts of time and money on an Omega and their kids without asking anything in return?
Lin Zhang was something else and the Omega was falling...
Lan Zhan felt guilty for his continued ruse, but could not help getting to spend so much time with Wei Ying and his two sons. Xue Yang was a smart and talented young boy with a big heart, but often hid it behind this rude and mean persona to keep from being hurt and to chase away undesirables from sniffing after his mother. Wen Yuan was a happy baby, growing well adjusted and loved, clearly showing the same intelligence his brother and mother has, if how he grabs things, even if he babbles still. He knows what something is, what time it is and even what is asked of him when spoken to. The boys loved it when he brings over his warren of bunnies, letting them play and cuddle with the balls of adrable fluff. Wei Ying even joined them or fed them little treats of fresh fruit while he cooked.
However, Lan Zhan that the longer he let this go, the higher the risk of hurting Wei Ying's trust in him and he would die if he lost his trust, lost his Wei Ying and their sons...
Yes, he's been secretly calling the two boys his sons because he was in fact their father without blood or paperwork to prove it. He is helping to raise them and he would happily give up the throne to stay with Wei Ying and their boys. Looking at the tubawares he filled with a Yunmeng special dish that Wei Ying loved. He also had a small Gusu special cake and just for Wei Ying, a jar of Emperor's smile. He needed to tell Wei Ying tonight...
Wei Ying cursed as he checked his watch, it was getting close to clock out time, but he's still not done working!! He had cleaned up one of the labs and had worked on another, but then he heard that bitch, Wang Lingjiao laughing and talking loudly about him and when he went to tell her to shut her fucking mouth before he used her as a mop, he froze in anger seeing the lab he just cleaned trashed! And what was worse, some of the equipment was smashed on the floor and regardless of what he says, it will come out of his pay and this shit was super expensive! So yes he was in a really foul mood because Lin Zhang was probably on his way and Wei Ying would not be home to greet him or to relieve the babysitter. He wasn't even gonna have enough to pay her!! Shit, he hated whatever curse was on him because his life was just one shitfest after another.
"Excuse me?" a voice startles him and he spins to see someone dressed in a fancy white suit, a cloud motif stitched into the shoulders and a white ribbon wrapped around their brow with two others, clearly bodyguards by the way the sheer size of them. They were also dressed in white with that Cloud motif, forehead ribbons included.
"Um... yes...?" Wei Ying's sixth sense was kicking in, the hair on the back of his neck rising.
"I'm told that you are close to Prince Lan Wangji... Where might I find him since he was not home?" the person asks and Wei Ying's mind shorts out.

Wangxian Prompt/Self-fill Dump
FanficDisclaimer: I do not own anything minus a few of the creative names, titles and the odd OC that pops up! The respective Authors, Artists, Craftsmen and anyone else I might have missed own everything else you see in this Fic!! So I have this cross po...