I am Yours; You are Ours

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Before I vanish for a while,, here is another little snippet from one of my self indulgent piles! Yes, I am going to be AFK for a while and will not have the time to actually write full chapters for my main writing projects. I may or may not at to the prompts since they are snippets and not full on chapters or stories that require actual brain power, time and effort to write.

Not to say that i don't think about what i am writing here, it just requires less focus since I can write a snippet of about less than 5,000 words in under 5 minutes if I am particularly inspired, and less caring for spelling, anout less than 10 if I put an effort into it. I am not braggin, I promise, I am just giving you an estimatio of what I can put out depending on the amount of time i have free, if I am imspired or not, and or have the inclination to toss one up. I promise when I get back, i will try to pump out another set of chapters for all three of my stories if i am not suckered into write three or four chapters for just one story. Either way, I will be gone for a while!

So again, please enjoy this piece of self indulgent pie!!


The alarm goes off at :45am as it does 6 days out of the week. Today is Saturday, he reminds himself with a soft yawn and giggle, getting out of his comfy bed, drowning in his oversized jammie shirt, slipping on his slippers and shuffling into his ensuite bathroom to start his day. After peeing, washing his wands and face, brushing his teeth and carefully combing out his hair, he walks out of his room and to the master bedroom. Carefully slipping off his slippers he slinks his way to the two figures sleeping on the bed.

It was big enough to fit 4 grown mean comfortably and was a wonderful mix of soft and fluffly like a cloud, but firm like memory foam for good support. He has to resist bouncing on it as much as he wants to. getting to the two figures, he carefully crawls under the covers and moves to the Alpha on his left and with practiced ease, slips his sleep pants down to reveal a long, well endowed cock. Giving a soft purr, he leans down to sniff at the thick musky scent of Alpha off of those generous balls, plum like a pair of ripe plums and just brimming with baby batter.

He kisses them softly, nosing at them with a pleased hum before he starts to lick and slowly nibble on them. As he works, he can feel the Alpha slowly moving, awakening in slow stages. He giggles and sucks one of the twin orbs into his mouth and drags his tongue all over it, sucking and a like grazing of his teeth as he lets it fall from his mouth, only to dive in and give its twin the same exact treatment before he start licking and nibbling his way up the fully awaked shaft, flowing the thick vein running crom base to tip on the underside. He suckles on the rigided flesh, purring as he gets closer to the flared mushroom head and tongues the slight, getting his first taste of pre-cum and then he nips the senstive spot, making the Alpha twitch and growl lowly in the last stages of his sleep.

At that point, he kisses the head and lets his lips part and slip over the flesh and slowly down the length of that wonderful Alpha cock. He relaxes his throat and takes shallow breaths through his nose as he inches closer o the thick thatch of black pubes, his gag reflex trying to kick in, but he keeps it down and at bay as he settles against the pelvis bone just as he feels the alpha grab his hair, awake exactly at 5 am as is the norm for him.

"Good morning, Xiao Ying..." His alpha greets, his rich voice deep and raspy from sleep even as he pulls the Omega up off his cock about half way and then shoves his head back down at the same time he thrusts up.

Wei Ying chokes and sputters, but does not fight it, instead he focuses silver eyes on honey colored ones, hhis lips quirking up in an attempt to smile, despite the 10in cock being fucked into his mouth and throat.

"Wei Ying's blowjobs are the best..." a second voice speaks up, this one deeper, more solemn sounding, but held a hidden warmth and adoration in it. "Brother is lucky to have it this morning."

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