Wen Ning was a class 10 Demon, the highest rank one could get, and was the bound familiar to Young Master Wei. His young master was a kind and selfless young man. Had always been since childhood. Wen Ning would do anything his master asked of him, which normally fell into things like playing or helping him sneak away from his keepers for a little while. Aiding those in trouble and the very obvious, protecting him from harm. However lately, his young master has been taken advantage of and he can do nothing to help because his bond was being suppressed. When his master does call on him, it is to do the bidding of his fiancé and his fiancé's boss. He growled darkly, wanting to tear them limb from limb and then beat them to death with their own body parts before he slowly rends their souls apart piece by piece until nothing is left. However because he has been pretty much locked into his 'ghost' form until summoned otherwise, he cannot harm the living. Floating above the city he uses his senses to find "Lan Wangji" and eliminate him...
He doesn't want to, but Wen Ning doesn't really have a choice, the bond recognized the order even it knew it was not a genuine desire. An order was an order. Finding the soul he was looking for he flash steps towards it quickly and slips easily through walls and any barriers set up because he is not feeling malicious. However when he finds the person he is met with a younger demon, a class 7. The younger demon is hanging by his tail, grinning at him upside down.
"You're hear to kill my master... sorry, Ghost General, but I cannot allow that... I'm Xue Yang, Class 7. My expertise is to cause pain and a lot of it..." He drops down and lands on his feet before he gives a genuine bow of respect to the older and higher classed demon. Wen Ning was a Legend, a Fierce Corpse with a Conscious mind from a time long forgotten and brushed off as old myths and legends, stories to tell little ones at night. Xue Yang was brimming with excitement as well as feeling a bit anxious. This was not his first fight against a higher class demon, but this was THE Demon among Demons and he will likely lose. However to go toe to toe with the Ghost General!?
"... I do not want, but I've been ordered..." He admits around slowly bared teeth, his nails growing long and deadly as his pale complexion takes on a ghastly cast, black veins becoming visible.
"Then, I'm afraid, Sir Ning, that I have to stop you... However I have been ordered to render you immobile. Not that I believe I can beat THE Ghost General..."
Wen Ning nods once, jumping back as black chains form over his arms and chest, he uses them like whips to both attack from far and near by, at the ends of the chains are deadly black rock like daggers that are near indestructible. Xue Yang, pulls a sword out of nowhere, a bead of sweat forming on his brow as he grins with manic glee and nervousness. He has more weapons, Merchant of Death was his name among Demons and he lived up to it. Selling deadly weapons or souls was his main job when not contracted, but a ruthless spy and assassin when under contract and he liked his current master. You would not think someone so righteous or upstanding would summon and form a contract with someone like him. But hey, looks are deceiving.
It takes but a second and they are clashing. The shockwaves of their blows alert the guards to danger and a team of Demon Hunters rush in, but stop short when Xue Yang growls at them to back off, to not ruin his fun. They are not sure what to say or do, but then the Second Jade walks in and tells them to remain on standby. He watches the two demons go at it. He notes that the Ghost General is holding back, fighting the command and it is allowing Xue Yang the advantage, just at they thought...
4 years ago
Lan Zhan was looking over the books for his... side projects, doing his own book keeping to make sure no one tried to mess with him. He hasn't told Xiongzhang yet nor Uncle and is debating whether he should. He is also investigating the mysterious deaths of some of Prime Minster Jin's rivals and competition as well as a few prominent figure heads or people who once funded his campaigns but were going to support the new comer this coming election. Questionable decrees in their last wills leaving Jin Guangshan either the majority of their fortunes or the entirety of it, leaving their remaining families desuetude. It was far too strange if one actually thinks about it. But then again, Jin Guangshan has had a strangle hold of the Prime Minster seat since the fall of Wen Rouhan a few years back...
Speaking of him, Lan Zhan should finally put him out of his misery...
The man was nothing more than a catatonic shell of what he use to be and it was no longer fun torturing him if he doesn't react any more. Oh well, If Lan Zhan has his way, Jin Guangshan and Su She will soon be taking his place. Especially Su She...
"Master! I've the reports you requested." Xue Yang calls out suddenly, appearing from his shadow as he likes to do on occasion usually just appearing in a random spot was his more preferred mode of travel. He liked to scare the daylights out of unsuspecting people. However he can never seem to get the drop on Lan Zhan must to his disappointment.
"Mn, good work..." He pulls open a draw and pulls out loquat and strawberry flavored candies from it, the pale pink bag was set down on the table. "A treat for a'Yang."
"Ohh, master you spoil this one!" He bows in a seemingly mocking manner, but he is genuine. Lan Zhan was not like his pervious masters, he actually cared in his strange detached way and took what he learned of those around him too heart and often made sure they had things they liked available.
Xue Yang had a sweet tooth, even back when he had been human, and would do anything for something sweet. Lan Zhan used it as a reward for a job well done and would take away some of the sweets if Xue Yang did something he wasn't supposed to do or was too excessive. It tempered him down and calmed him down. He may not always like doing things the 'boring way' but it was also more effective to sometimes leave his prey alive.
"You were right about the sudden change. Dr. Wen's records about her sessions with your Omega, show a clear change in personality and he's been coming to see her less and less. I'm pretty sure he will stop seeing her all together and not just for his sessions, but as his primary as well. As for the deaths, you were right on the money again, Master! Demon assassin... a very powerful one... I took samples from each scene and I am gonna need these things to test them to check who did it. But by the power alone, there are only a handful of demons that could pull this off and out of all of them only one of them can freely move about the human world at this time." Xue Yang began his report, no longer smiling. He hands over the files and a list of things he needs.
"Mn, will have the Demon Hunters get them and set up a workshop in their department for you in the 4th subbasement." He says once he finishes looking over the list.
"I cannot get close to the Prime Minster's compound, when I just toed the line of the barrier an entire SWAT team of guards and Demon Hunters nearly took me out... But I can bet you that they are keeping Wei Wuxian hostage in there. What they want with him specifically is beyond me, though the obvious reason would be his grandmother's company. Old Lady Baoshen is sitting really pretty on an ancient throne of wealth and with her current companies and investments, the next 20 generations can do nothing with their lives and still have a pretty penny to show for it." Xue Yang says, showing the chard flesh of his left hand, his pinky was beyond saving from the damage done to it, but he at least had something to study.
".... Good work, rest. Have Dr. Mo look at your injuries..."
"My pinky is gone, but the rest I can treat on my own, but I will still go let Dr. Mo fuss at me... Night master." He bows and turns to leave when he is called again, turning he catches his candies and smiles, almost forgetting them.
Lan Zhan reads through the reports and knows that in a few days he would have his answers.
And indeed, he did get them: The Ghost General, Wen Qionglin.
'Time to make a nuisance of myself....' He thinks, smirking as he knows just how to start...
The battle rages on for over three hours and then Wen Ning stumbles, he feels his master's distressed mind and is distracted trying to asses what is wrong, which allows Xue Yang to jump away from him just as the Demon Hunters throw out subjugation talismans and pin him in place.
"Enough... you are captured..."
"Please, Young Master..." Wen Ning sounds very worried. "He's distressed... I--"
"You will be released, but not before I get some answers... Wei Ying will be fine for a while longer..." Lan Zhan grinds out because he wants to let the Ghost General go, but he knows that this might be his only chance to learn what goes on in the Minister's compound...

Wangxian Prompt/Self-fill Dump
FanfictionDisclaimer: I do not own anything minus a few of the creative names, titles and the odd OC that pops up! The respective Authors, Artists, Craftsmen and anyone else I might have missed own everything else you see in this Fic!! So I have this cross po...