A Song for Us

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Wei Ying did not expect to get magically displaced from his time and dropped off in a world of myths, legends and magic! And he sure as heck wasn't expecting it to happen because he fixed an old music box he was found with as a baby. He felt like he was the MC in one of his favorite animes or comics, getting plucked from his world and dumped off in a world of chaos and mayhem. He just hopes he doesn't end up with a Harem of crazy women trying to be his wives! He prefers to be the Wife thank you very much!


"Okay, twist this like this.... loosen this over here... ah-hah! A broken gear! I knew it!" crows the young man, as he carefully removes the busted gear, his silver eyes magnified to almost 40x their size due to his magnification glasses as he works on the delicate music box. Setting the broken gear off to the side, he mumbles a series of sizes and numbers to himself as he checks a drawer and pulls out the exact same gear, brand spanking new and carefully places it in the empty spot that he opened up. "Alright, that should do it... now them to put this baby back together and I can finally see if it will give me a clue about who I am and where I am from..."

After carefully putting the music box back together, he pulls his head gear off, rubbing his eyes when the world suddenly shrinks back to normal. Once he is sure he can see without getting dizzy or misjudging distance, he smiles and carefully turns the little crank until the coil is nice and tight before he opens the top and waits. Holding his breath he prays he did it and then gasps as a beautiful melody starts to play. It is a sweetly heartfelt song, full of longing and sorrow, regret and hope...

He knows this song! He begins to hum it, softly, closing his eyes as he keeps humming the song, slowly words begin to paint themselves into his mind and he sings them out loud, missing that the box was starting to glow. He touches a necklace he's warn since he was a baby, it was made from the last piece of White Jade left in the world, carefully cut into a lotus sitting on a cloud. Many have tried to steal it or make him sell it, but he never let it go, just like his music box. He suddenly knows the song's name, unknown to him a whirlwind of magic was creating a bubble around him, some of his things being packed into a qiankun pouch that suddenly appeared. There is a shiver anticipation as he lips his lives and breathes the name.


And suddenly the world drops out from under him. He doesn't have time to scream before he is engulfed by the magic and in a blink, is gone from his world and time...

Wei Ying moans as he slowly sits up, he has no idea what the heck happened, but his head was killing him. He hears a faint giggle and blinks his eyes open only to gasp as he sees what looks like Celestial fairy from some of the old ink paintings he saw in a museum once. She had her hair pinned up in an elaborate style with a long guazy ribbon floating around her as she was dressed in pale pinks and yellows. she was the size of his palm and looked adorable her eyes were solid blue, not an hint of any other color.

"Hello Master. I am Li Ming, I have waited a very long time for you. You must be very confused and sore form your trip here... Not to worry,, things will be come clear in time... for now, please get up and follow this faithful servant..." She chirps and floats up in a soft glow of pink and yellow. Wei Ying blinks confused, but does as she asks. "Don't forget your Qiankun! I went through a lot of trouble to pack it for you." she points a tiny hand at the black and red silk pouch on the floor.

"It's so small.. I can keep you in it..." He murmurs as he picks it up and curiously opens it to see what she could have possibly 'packed' for him. "Eh!?" He yelps seeing that there was a lot more in it than the shape and size indicates.

"Silly Master, please put it away and follow this faithful one!" She chirps again and takes off a few yards as Wei Ying yelps and follows her.

"Li Ming? Where am I, what happened? How am I your master?!" He yelps the last question.

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