When morning came and after a hearty breakfast made by his Auntie, it was time to leave. However the Lans were confused as to why they were climbing the highest tower in the Flower Guard Inn, instead if heading to the boats they had used tonget across the massive lake. Wei Ying only told them that they were meeting their escort, Tian Zhao. He giggles mischievously after that and it makes them a bit nervous as they climb up so tight and then out onto a wide platform.
"Wait here and be ready to bow." Wei Ying says as he moves with his aunt towards the unrailed half of the platform. His Aunt begins to throat sing and it carries well ovee the valley until a great shadow swoops over them and the following burst of wind would have bowled them over if not for the railing. Wei Ying bows and they follow as the shadow appears and lands at the end of the dock.
"Greetings, Tian Zhao... I hope your morning hunt was successful?"
"Hmm, it was good...." The great Fox rumbles out and then turns to see the others. "Little Hatchling as grown beautiful and who are these strangers?"
"The first Jade of Lan and a team if his juniors to escort a'Ying to Gusu Lan... They need a lift to the southern edge of the Valley, well away from Qishan Wen, it my lord deems it a worthwhile trip." Heimei says bowing low in respect.
"This one sees.... Mm, step forward Jade of Lan..." He commands and Lan Xichen walks forward, bowing once more and ghen rising to look at the great bird with awe.
Large golden eyes peer down at him as the great head cocks this way and that, accessing him.
"This humble one greets Master Tian Zhao." Lan Xichen says and the great eagle chuckles.
"A good soul this one has... Yes I shall fly them, my lady. In exchange you must sing for me." The Roc commands.
"This one thanks You... And yes I shall sing for you!" She smiles as she then turns to let the others know it is safe to approach. The party, with Wei Ying was only 12 and all would fit on the great Roc's back with ease. He laid down to allow them to climb and after being instructed on how to hold on, to not pluck his feathers or he would drop them to their deaths, he stood.
Wei Ying waved at his auntie as she waves back with a watery smile. It would be two years before they can see one another again and he would sorely miss her. Soon they were flying at great speed and much higher than any Cultivator dares to fly. The wind is sharp and loud around them and none dare to speak or look around as they fly. The Roc making a beeline for the southern edge and lands on the mountains near a foot path that would take them close to the Burial Mounds after a five day walk. The group bows to the great bird who bows back, wishing them luck on their journey before he heads back to Flower Gaurd Inn, and thus his promised concert by the Lady of the Sect...
The trip down the mountain was filled with excited chatter about the great Earthbound God and Wei Ying happily told them stories about Tian Zhao and how often he came to visit them and the many favors traded between him and his auntie. Wei Ying admits he rode on the Roc's back many times before and loved the feeling of it. There were Many creatures who lived in Huagu Yue. Mermaids and nymphs, Rocs and even a friendly Naga whose cave was bear the eastern edge of the lake and he often swims up to the piers to trade handmade jewelry or crafts for wares.
Wei Ying is quickly liking the group as they share his enthusiasm of meeting strange and new beings and hopefully befriend them. They were confused when Wei Ying said there was a friendly Firece Corpse who lived in an old graveyard, tendinf the graves and helping the few lost visitors to the valley find their way. This shocks them because They recall the old man who was sweeping up the graveyard theybhad passed to get to Flower Guard Inn. He had not looked like a corpse nor had he moved like one. He moved like a man in his golden years and complained about his aching joints like one. They had not even noticed! Wei Ying laughs softly as he assures them that Old Man Mao is in fact dead but had risen and after a small controntation had taken the task of tending the graveyard and guide.
"Amazing... We have never heard of a Fierce Corpse retaining their mind and personality from their previous life before...." Lan Xichen muses one night around a small fire on the edge of the Burial Mounds. It is eerily quiet and they dare not speak louder than a whispering wind least they attract unwanted attention.
"You would not since the array that made it possible was not invented until a fee years ago and I tested it out on Old Man Mao. He was admittedly annoyed with me at first but got over it when he noticed the poor state of his grave. Ever since he cleans and guards the graves to make sure no one else rises though that is jot a fear since he was the only one who did after someone knocked over his offerings."
"You did that!?" One junior gasps mutely.
"Yep... I like to invent things when I am not training or studying. Many of my methods are not conventional and will likely be met with hostility and skepticism. However, I am willing to compromise and educate anyone who might be interested."
"Perhaps You should speak with the Grandmaster, my Uncle, upon arriving. He Will be most curious once you argue him down. He is a steadfast man and rarely wavers." Lan Xichen says, most curious about this strange young man, but now very curious as to how he and his brother would get along.
"I was hoping to ask him some questions during the lectures, so this works out perfectly. My thanks, Lan-Gongzi."

Wangxian Prompt/Self-fill Dump
FanfictionDisclaimer: I do not own anything minus a few of the creative names, titles and the odd OC that pops up! The respective Authors, Artists, Craftsmen and anyone else I might have missed own everything else you see in this Fic!! So I have this cross po...