Wei Ying was a fairly young Snake Spirit, only 2,545 years old, newly adult in his kind's eyes. He was orphaned at the age of 30 and raised by his father's half brother, Jiang Fengmian, a Merman. When he came of age and it was discovered he was a Carrier, he set off to find a mate as well as to gain world experience. That had been about 145 years ago. Around that time he had discovered an egg, a brilliant white like pure unblemished jade and just as hard if not harder. It was found abandoned in a hut Mo Village, the body of the mother, he had guessed, long dead and eaten away at by pests and the elements. He had feared the egg was dead, but he sensed life, young and resilient. He buried the mother's remains, marked her grave and blessed her three times in hopes she would move on. After he took the egg and continued his job offering aid to the people who needed it the most.
It was around that time he met Due Yang, a young Demon, much too young to be on his own but old enough to no be considered an infant by anyone's standards minus humans. The boy had broke into his hotel room to steal some money and maybe any snacks he found. He ended up becoming curious of the giant egg on the braizer in the middle of the room. Was it a snack or a baby? He had never seen anything like it before and the shell was really pretty. Wei Ying had managed to catch the brat in his coils and after the luttle demon had exhausted himself trying to get free and cursing up a storm, he went limp. Wei Ying had then slipped off the rafters where he had been sleeping at the time, letting his long body fill the room and leave little to no escape. Xue Yang had feared he would be eaten but Wei Ying had simply gotten a bath ready, dumped the filthy child in clothes and all and began to scrub him clean from head to toe. He had to cut his hair, it was too much a ratted mess to even attempt to comb through without ripping out chunks of hair. After Xue Yang was thoroughly cleaned and dressed in some spare robes Wei Ying had bought in anticipation of his Hatchling, he began to cook a warm meal. And despite how he acts or eben does to mess with people, Wei Ying is a decent cook. He could make simple dishes with very few ingredients. After all he had spent almost 30 years on the streets taking care of himself. Those without homes or much food had banded together during the lean seasons to make sure they survived another year. He learned to make congee, several egg dishes and simple stews with only a few items on hand and foraging in the forests and woods near by. So he had whipped up some fried eggs and congee for the child and himself, ignoring the brat's barbs and rude comments as he did so. Eventually the warm of the fire, the heavenly feeling of being clean for once, dressed in warm robes, brand new too, and the smell of a hot meal won the child over. He reluctantly tucked into the first meal he had in ages and after he was full, he curled up on one of Wei Ying's long could and fell asleep.
Ever since, Wei Ying had his boys. Xue Yang was a troublemaker, as a Demon it was impossible for him to behave for long periods of time, but the child learned to curb himself. Only causimg mischief to those who were had or wrong amd certainly anyone who was mean to his Xian-gege. When Mo Xuanyu was finally hatched after nearly 100 years, they had no idea how longbit normally took for whatever he was to hatch, they were happy. The baby dragon clung to his mama and as he absorbed spiritual energy from both his mama and the land around them, he grew quickly at only 45 years old he looked and acted like the average human 6 year old. His tail was much too long for him to walk with so he often held it like a stuffed teddy. He was learning to transform and other things from his mama and Yang-xiong, so he was happy. They had recently moved to a town on the water called Caiyi and had been living there for a few years now, almost as long as Xuanyu was alive. They made a living as the local healer and often went foraging. They had discovered a hidden valley on one of the mountains that looled like it use to be a home or a city of some sorts. They often went to get the more potent medicinal herbs and roots from there. However, this last trip was supposed to before they made the long journey back to Yunmeng Jiang, Wei Ying was overdue back home to present either his mate or to see the matchmaker to have a marriage arranged. They had not expected the Deity of the mountain to suddenly attack them. Wei Ying had shoved his children out of harms way even as he took his full form which was pitifully smaller than the great Jade Dragon, but he was a wiley thing. He had to only keep the dragon's focus on him long enough for his sons to clear the barrier, he would salvage what he could of their supplies before he joined them, before he went submissive. It was dirty of him, but the half wild look to the dragon told him what rational mind it might have had was either buried deep or lost to time. He could have sworn all the Jade Dragons had been killed off in the great war nearly 5,000 years ago. And yet he had found two of then one an infant the other clearly an adult.
When he felt the other left up just enough he struck. He bit the Alpha Dragon in his neck, injecting him with a milder dose of his venom and then quickly pulled away as it collapsed, passed out from the sedative lile effect of it. Feeling guilty Wei Ying left bandages and medicine with a small note fore the dragon, grabbed his basket, grabbed what he could and fled. It would be a very long time before he ever dares to come back...
What Wei Ying did not know was that the dragon would wake and follow him. Their brief battle left the Carrier's scent engrained in his memories, the taste of his venom, the smell of it... He would be hunted down....

Wangxian Prompt/Self-fill Dump
FanficDisclaimer: I do not own anything minus a few of the creative names, titles and the odd OC that pops up! The respective Authors, Artists, Craftsmen and anyone else I might have missed own everything else you see in this Fic!! So I have this cross po...