Wei Ying stares at the sword point and quick as his species, he lunges deep into the pool changing back to human for as arrows rain down on the pool. He doesn't know how he was found or who found him but he needed to be very careful. Thinking a spell, an air bubble forms around his mouth and nose and he allows himself to breath as he casts a second spell to stir up the sand and silt masking his form as he swims to where he hid his clothes and surfaces slowly to see golden robes and mentally curses seeing the Jins scrambling his bathing area. Grabbing his clothes, Wei Ying is about slip back into the water unnoticed, when suddenly several hands grab him from behind, one hand slapping over his mouth at the instinctive urge to shout, his hair is wrapped in thick cloth and he panics and opens his human eyes to see what is going on when he is suddenly blinded from his snakes. Their voices panicking along his thoughts as he too gives into the blind panic. The hands pull him out and away from the pool and deep into the underbush before he is suddenly plopped onto a thick towel, the hands moving fast to dry him off and dress him in robes, his own being quickly snatched from him. He tries to protest, but the hand over his mouth remains and he resists the urge to bite and inject his venom into the person.
"Calm, Young Master Wei... Lady Jiang informed us of you and we knew that Young Master Zixun will stop at nothing than to capture you. You best pretend to be one of our servants until we can get you away safely..." a woman he recalls meeting once who had not liked his teasing and flirting, thinking he had been trying to bed her when he had only been trying to compliment her.
"Mianmian?" He whispers as she lets him go finally and blinks at her, his silver eyes blinking as his slitted pupils relax into an almost human roundness.
"Yes... Hurry, the men will notice our absence soon if we delay any longer, hide his robes in the pack. Hold still..." she quickly picks up his hair into a Jin style ponytail and carefully paints his face with white powder, not that he needed it with his flawless complexion. However it made him look sickly with the added powder and with the right amount of rouge he looked like he was feverish.
"There, can you fake being ill..." Lou Qingyang, or Mianmian as very few people are allowed to call her, asks as he nods and gives a pitiful moan and sags like he is boneless. "Perfect... alright, you two help me pick him up." she orders and they pick him up, hiding his face with their forms as they hurry back toward the pool just as Jin Zixun, King Jin Guangshan's nephew, had noticed the lack of people and upon seeing them come out of the trees carrying an injured member, he scowls.
"What happened?!"
"We don't know, he just suddenly collapsed we need to get him to a doctor and quickly." Mianmian says, acting like she is confused and scared.
"Tsk, he's just a servant! leave him there and help us search for the beast! I didn't see what it looked like. We just know it is snake like!" The chubby young man orders, ignoring Wei Ying's pitiful moans. "Shut up and die already! Save us having to lug your corpse around! Better yet, leave him for the creature to find! We can use him as bait!"
Wei Ying wanted to punch the loud bastard in the face, but only whined and moaned more until he felt Mianmian, who was holding his legs around her hips, moving, she ignored Jin Zixun's orders to use their 'ailing comrade' as live bait, stating that they do not know if the Creature even ate meat, never mind human meat! Wei Ying did not in fact eat meat. Animals were his only companions and he could not bring himself to kill and eat them. He lives solely on vegetables and fruits and wine. He does not mind the some of the dishes that used meat stock to cook them, but overall he could not eat meat himself. The Yiling Villagers had painstakingly cooked him thousands of meals to find out that anything with meat in it was not welcomed. However offerings of pelts and tools made from bones were welcomed. Wei Ying would never eat a human, even if he had no other choice but to. He would rather starve.
"I said to leave him!!"
"And I am not letting my friend die because you THINK that the Guardian of the Forest will somehow decide to have a human snack!!" She yells back. "If you wanna sacrifice someone, sacrifice yourself!" She then kicks his shin and moves on with the other two behind her. She moves quick because Wei Ying is heavy even if he is deceptively thin. They made it to the edge of the forest and he quickly stands up wiping away the make up and taking his things back.
"Thank you, Mianmian... but how did..."
"Lady Jiang may be my young master's former fiancé, but she is a very good friend of mine and she always spoke highly of you... We didn't see anything other than someone in the spring that the so called Snake Monster sometimes visits." She says. "Sorry about putting that towel on your hair like that it must have startled you badly... and down't worry about these two, they are mute and will not tattle because they, much like me are loyal to Lady Jiang..."
"Thank you... You should join the Gusu Court... I have a feeling that your steadfast loyalty to those who earn it and quick thinking will reward you..." He says as he stares at a point beyond her his silver eyes glowing a faint yellow before he blinks and turns and runs off into the woods away from his hot spring. He will have to find a new one to bathe in from now on if other Cultivators are going to camp that one...
Wei Ying sighs as he sits in the orchard just off of Queen Wen Qing's home, his long tail draped over the strong branches of the loquat tree as he sunbathes. His home is being over run with people looking to capture him for his powers and either kill him or use him as a weapon. Wen Qing is weeding her medicinal garden with her nephew at her side, the small toddler happily half buried in the dirt to one side claiming to be a radish as Wen Ning, Wen Qing's younger brother, smiles softly where he is gathering ripe and ready herbs. It is nice and peaceful, but Wei Ying misses his home among the black bamboo forest and the dead who wandered and requested his aid or informed him of someone who needed his help. It's been months and he feels lethargic and it is not because he ate his fill of Wen Qing's tofu stuffed dumplings or the sweet tarts that Wen Ning makes from the fruits he gets. Nor is it due to Fourth Uncle's fruit wine. He is homesick and nothing can cure it but to be able to return home.
"Pretty Gege sad..." a small voice calls up and he smiles brightly as he lets his tail slip down and carefully coils around the child and swings him softly back and forth, making him giggle and squeal with delight. he slowly brings him higher up and elongates the swings much to the child's delight. Wen Qing smiles at the child's gleeful laughter, but her smile is pinched with concern. Wei Ying and sadness do not mix in her opinion much like water and oil. "Pretty Gege!"
"Aw, little Bunny seems to like riding on Pretty Gege's tail!" He coos and swings him back and forth again. "But yes, I am a little sad, Pretty Gege wants to go home, but scary people won't let him... Auntie and Uncle are very kind to let Pretty Gege stay, but Pretty Gege doesn't want the scary people coming here either... they might take you away little Bunny because you are so cute!!"
"Noo!!!" The child squeals with delight.
"A'Yuan, let's go wash up so we can make Pretty Gege some nice yummy dumpling soup!" Wen Ning calls and comes to gather the child who squeals with delight about the yummy soup. Once they are gone, Wei Ying slips down and coils himself up beside Wen Qing, who watches him sing softly and coax her garden into waking.
"You are worried because you cannot see what will come..."
"I have seen what will come and I want to be here to protect you..." He says firmly. "It is what I do that can either save you all or kill you... If I run away, who is to say that you still won't suffer horribly because of me?"
"You're scared... This is not like you?"
"The woman who outed my mother will come... She will know who I am the moment she sees me and know exact what I am. She will out me too... I cannot allow her to doom you either..." Wei Ying says firmly. "My kind is born with generations worth of knowledge and I know from my mother's memories that this woman is dangers..."
"So am I... Do not doubt me just because I am a doctor..." She says firmly and then in a rare show of affection hugs him. "You saved Wen Ning's life and I owe you for that, but you are also the reason we can thrive here... and as much as I am loath to admit it, you are like a second little brother to me and I will protect you just as fiercely as I protect a'Ning... Now come inside, I made spicy tofu dumplings with chicken flavoring."
"Oooh, sounds wonderful!" He gasps and quickly changes to his human form, and following her inside...

Wangxian Prompt/Self-fill Dump
FanficDisclaimer: I do not own anything minus a few of the creative names, titles and the odd OC that pops up! The respective Authors, Artists, Craftsmen and anyone else I might have missed own everything else you see in this Fic!! So I have this cross po...