Alternate AU Pt 1

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Another round of self indulgence!!

This is extremely emotional and there is some very heavy topics!! Suicide being the heaviest trigger!! There is Death, there is a lot of dark themes in this!!! PLEASE HEED THIS NOTE!!! PLEASE DO NOT YELL AT ME FOR NOT WARNING YOU!!!!

Cachu: Erase
Huifu: Restore

Fire and ash surrounded him, smoke, acrid and bitter, choked him as screams echoed with the sound of battle and death creating an unholy symphony. The cacophony of noise was nothing more than a dull roar around him as he watched everyone who once fought beside him, fighting and killing each other to try and be the one to kill or capture him. He slowly lowered his flute, backing away from it all, walking backwards, up a set of stairs and towards a cliff. What had he done?

How could he cause this...?

All he wanted...

All he had done had been to protect those he cared about. But everything he touched turned to ash and ruin. His home had been reduced to ash and bones, his once sworn brother hates him, his beloved sister lay dead in the center of the battle, minus the bloody stab wound that killed her, she looked pristine and as if she were a beautiful princess spelled to sleep. The people he protected were all dead and his son was gone...


That's right, this... this fight, this hell was because these bastards killed his son!!

For a second red bled into his eyes, but they flickered back to silver as he kept walking backwards. The man he loved hated him and there was no reason to live on, to continue being a weapon or to be tortured to death. No... He needed to end this.

Summoning the Stygan Tiger Seal pieces back to himself, he drew their attention as he made it whole and then with the blood he was covered in, bot his own and his beloved sister's he began to draw an array in the air. The people began to panic and charge him. He ignored them all as he kept working, pouring all the power he amassed, the power of the Seal and what little bit remained of his Golden Core into the array. He activates it and a powerful pulse of magic shakes the world. He smiles as a white beam of light begins to open, but then his name is screamed and he looks to see his once brother thrusting his sword at him, he gasps as it pierces his heart.

"Die!! DIE YOU PIECE OF SCUM!!" The JIang Sect Leader is screaming at him, shoving his blade further into his chest.

He coughs up blood, manages one last smile as he holds his hand toward the seal.

"As you wish... Cachu..."

And the light bursts fear and fills the area, spreading to the world and as it passes by everyone, they begin to forget why they are here, why they are fighting. Those who died gasp as they awaken, alive once more as the light touches them. The light touches everything and everyone, erasing everything that he ever touched or created. It erases memories of him and any resentment. It Erased it all. Once it has reached the ends of the earth it comes back, and he keeps smiling at his once brother.

"Goodbye... shidi..." he gasps out as the light races at them, but just before it can touch him a second voice screams out his name and he sees his love, looking devastated. He only gives him a bloody smile and just as he vanishes he whispers, "...I love you... Lan Zhan..."

And then there is an explosion....

For 13 years, there was peace in the world. Resentful energy just suddenly vanished from the world, no one knows why or how it happened. There were no more need for Cultivators as there was nothing to fight against so they began to pursue other activities to test their skills or simply live their lives. The Jins slowly lost their status and power, becoming smaller factions led by various members and depending on which sub group one was talking about, there was fondness or utter outrage. The Nie Sect continued their brutal training style, hiring themselves out during wars and other battles while the Jiang Sect became a Trade Mogul center and the Lans continued their lives in peaceful seclusion. There was nothing left of the blood stained past. The only thing that remained was the Burial Mounds, which has stood long before the time of the Immortal Baoshan Sanren. It was a mystery, one day air around the Burial Mounds just suddenly cleared up, but no one has dared to go investigate it, horror stories told for generations kept any would be brave soul from going there.

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