The Black Jade (Yiling Patriarch), a Demon among Alphas, was a name know all across the Cultivation world and greatly feared. He supposedly singlehandedly attacked and killed Qishan Wen, only sparing a few who joined him. He vanished not long after the Wens were killed and now he is back, only 5 years after he vanished. What does he want? Will there be another slaughter like last time? And what does he have to do with mystery surrounding the Red Lotus of Yunmeng?
Wei Ying looked up from where he was tending his little horde of rabbits. The soft giggles of his 4, soon to be 5, year old son playing not to far from him the only comfort the Omega had these days. After Sunshot campaign that was won by one man while the rest of them hand been scrambling around trying to gather their strength and rescue loved ones, things had gone rather pear shaped for him.
He remembers Wen Chao about to take advantage of his forced heat with the aid of Wen Zhuliu and then waking up in the recovery hall of the slowly rebuilding Yunmeng Jiang's Lotus Pier with Jiang Ch- Sect Leader Jiang glaring at him. He was then accused of being Wen Chao's whore and carrying his bastard. Wei Ying, as an Omega, knew that no matter what happened his reputation was beyond saving and that he would be ridiculed for the rest of his life. When Sect Leader Jiang ordered him to terminate his pregnancy; he refused. He would not punish the child for the sins of the father, if Wen Chao was truly the sire of his baby. Needless to say, everyone minus perhaps Jiang Yanli, Nie Huaisong, his recently discovered Uncle Xiao Xingcheng, and oddly enough Lan Xichen and the Lan Sect seemed to be on his side. He was no longer allowed to go on Night Hunts or any kind of hunt. He wasn't really allowed to train or train others. He spend his days inventing new talismans and tools to aid others while raising his child.
Wei Yuan gave a shriek and Wei Ying looked up just as he saw Jin Guangshan, Jiang Wanyin and Elder Lan Queen marching toward him. He quickly grabs his son close, a son who looked nothing like a Wen. He looked almost like Lan Xhichen, but that was impossible and the one Alpha he wanted had vanished when the Cloud Recess burned at the start of the Sunshot campaign. Whatever was going on, he felt like his world was going to til again on its axis and he is not sure of he will be able to land on his feet or if someone will catch him this time...
Wangxian Prompt/Self-fill Dump
FanficDisclaimer: I do not own anything minus a few of the creative names, titles and the odd OC that pops up! The respective Authors, Artists, Craftsmen and anyone else I might have missed own everything else you see in this Fic!! So I have this cross po...