Wei Ying walked confidentially into the Secretarial Department, his black work pumps clicking delicately on the floors as he walked to his desk. Everywhere he had walked today, he had turned heads. He knew with his fair features and the right touches, many would mistake him for a woman and that was the thrill of it. He knew when he was dressed as a man he was handsome and was a harmless flirt, but dressed as a woman, he could be as sweet as a fair maiden or as deadly as a femme fatale! He hid his pleased smirk as he walked to his desk, unlocked it and pulled out the two bunny mugs, his tin of homemade teas his grandmother sent him and chose a softer, subtly sweet cherry blossom and honey tea for today.
He locked his desk up again and headed to the kitchen area where he boiled water for tea, prepped steepers and poured the water. Placing the caps on them he carefully walks back to his area and sets them down as he checks his phone for President Man's schedule for the day and nods as he sees there are two meetings to prep for. He sits down at his desk to start on that while the tea steps and waiting for President Lan to arrive. The other Omegas and beta women all stared and gaped in shock, some seething with jealousy at how effortlessly elegant he appeared.
"Wei Ying?" The familiar quiet voice of President Lan sounded and he looks up, blinking owlishly behind his reading glasses to look at the Alpha and smiles a warm, sunny smile.
"Morning!" He chirps and stands up, gathering his things and their tea before following the quiet man to his office.
"Wei Ying looks beautiful... Should dress prettily more often." President Lan says as Wei Ying blushes.
"Maybe... But anyway..." Wei Ying snaps into professional mode and they get to work...
Wei Ying bowed politely to a visiting client who wished to check out one of the facilities owned by Lan Inc. President Lan stood behind him with his Vice President at his shoulder, the serious young man whispering softly in his ear, mouth hardly moving as he did so. Wei Ying gives the proper greetings and introductions before beginning the tour. This particular facility was designed to extract minerals from water brought in from around the city, purifying the water to have more readily available drinking water, but also recycling the minerals to create synthetic materials that are more cheaply made but twice the durability of tothe in more commonly used materials like iron and steel.
Wei Ying was shining as he explains the process and answers questions, he easily avoids spelling secrets and verbal traps, President Lan watching him with what appeared to be awe it n his eyes at the ease Wei Ying worked. When the client was in left reeling by Wei Ying, President Lan delivered the final blow.
"As you can see, Lan Inc does not need to your aid as an we have refined our techniques over the centuries using tried but the methods with more modernized tools and resources." Was the cool delivery and the man was left reeling at the brutal dismissal.
With that President La be left and Wei Ying was quick to politely dismiss their guests. However they did not leave but went up to the roof to smoke. The President of the rival company bitched up a storm about how rude and arrogant President Lan was and complained about the roof garden as well. When he spotted the shrine he stomped over to it to knock the offerings off in a fit of rage but noticed the white snake that had slipped out of it...
Wei Ying smiles brightly, his grandma sent him some fresh fruits and veggies from her little farm and even some of the fruit wine he adored so much from Uncle Four! She was going to share with Xiao Shuang and maybe President Lan later. He hummed happily as he walked out of the rooftop door and gasped horrified by what he saw.
"No, leave Xiao Shuang alone!!"

Wangxian Prompt/Self-fill Dump
FanfictionDisclaimer: I do not own anything minus a few of the creative names, titles and the odd OC that pops up! The respective Authors, Artists, Craftsmen and anyone else I might have missed own everything else you see in this Fic!! So I have this cross po...