Chang'E, the Goddess of the Moon, is only allowed to go to earth every few millennia to attempt to find the reincarnation of her husband's soul. She always manages to find him and fall in love and they have a happy and wonderful life full of laughter and sweet children. But the Sun Goddess, still enraged and hateful for the deaths of her children, kills Chang'E's husband and children every time.
So when it is time to once more find her beloved, she hatches a secret plan. She appears before her now immortal servant Baoshen Sanren and breaks a small piece of her soul off and fuses it to the Immortal Cultivator. She vanishes soon after and is born nine months later and takes on the name of Cangse Sanren. She grows up as Baoshen Sanren's daughter and aiding the humans as she looks for her husband's soul. She finds it in Wei Changze and like before. The fall in love and have a family, but this time Chang'E has a plan.
When she can no longer mover her family out of the path of the Sun Goddess's wrath, she takes them to Baoshen's mountain and kisses her son goodbye, but not before leaving him a pair of her Lunar Rabbits for him. She makes him promise to study hard and to find a love deep like the oceans and stronger than any mountain. She blesses him, knowing that there was a strong warrior waiting for her son in the future.
Cangse and Changze leave to face the Sun Goddess and when the Goddess kills them, Chang'E returns to the Heavens as the Heavenly Moon once more, but the cycle gas finally been broken because her son was alive and safe hidden with her most loyal Servant in the future he will be mated and bonded to a powerful warrior, a child of the Jade Emperor. No one will dare to strike down her children ever again...
Wei Ying was chasing his rabbits, Jīnyù and Yín Liánhuā, a happy smile on his lips. Even if he was newly presented at 15 as an Omega and should act more his age, he cannot shake off the carefree child in his heart. His grandmother never minds and even encourages him at times when the few other disciples complain that he shouldn't be allowed such freedoms. His uncle, Xiao Xingcheng, normally makes them face off against Wei Ying in hand to hand combat and they are often left embarrassed by getting beaten down.
Wei Ying studies hard, he trains even harder, but as a genius he quickly grows bored and if left idle, he is prone to mischief so his grandmother often lets him go and play or sets him on a random errand. It was by chance that she learned that sometimes a board Wei Ying led him to creative fits and he produced several new talismans, a few new arrays and even new techniques that allow him to handle almost any situation. So if she gifts him items he needs to craft his Cultivation devices and talismans, that is her business and the happy smile he gives her is so worth it.
But today was his last day here before he will be meeting up with the son and daughter of the Yunmeng Jiang Sect and heading to the Cloud Recesses for studying and lectures as well as training. When he first learned this. His grandmother gifted him a beautiful pitch black bamboo Dizi and she and his uncle wove him a special tassel that he tied to the end and with a small spell permanently kept it attached so he would never lose it. Jingyu and Yin Lianhua were gifted with red ribbons like their master's that marked them as Spirit Animals and thus could not be removed or harmed unless the offender wanted to face the consequences.
He turns to run to his grandma and his bunnies hop after him, one white like fresh snow and the other black as pitch. He skids to a stop, smoothly sliding into a warm hug with Baoshen Sanren. She chuckles warmly as he nuzzles her a moment.
"Yes granny?"
"Come, child. We are about to have dinner and I made your favorite." She chuckles. "Now then, I must warn you many are very close minded when it comes to using certain techniques or even considering using something like Resentful Energy to stop some of the horrors we face. Try to not antagonize the lecturer, I know him and he is very stubborn, rather quick to anger and once he makes a snap decision he rarely changes. Fair warning they have 3000 rules and one of them is that you cannot consume Alcohol."
"But the medicine--" Wei Ying panics in fright.
"You will simply have to avoid getting caught. I cannot very well tell them that you need for health reasons... Now the main thing I must stress, Ying, whatever happens, whatever you do. You cannot let them know you are a Male Omega... omegas are too few and precious and yet there are those who will snatch them away and do unspeakable things to them. Swear to me that no matter how bored you are, no matter how angry you get; do not let anyone know... Only Jiamg Yanli and Jiang Wanyin know. They will help you and as long as you take your medicine once a month your heat will be held back until you are back home with me..."
"I will do my best... Umm, do you think I will find a good Alpha?"
"I am certain... I did have an Alpha once but... Well you know the ugliness that happened... And please do not give away your Musical Cultivation secrets. The Lans are a but... Prickly about it." She makes a face.
He laughs and kisses her cheek.
"Granny, stop or you may get wrinkles! I will be sure to pay Granny An my respects if I find her. I will do my best to behave and I will make sure I take my medicine! Now you promised me pork rib and lotus root soup! Did Jiejie teach you how to make it?" He wonders as she laughs and nods. "Then it will be good! Jiejie and Granny's cooking is the best!"

Wangxian Prompt/Self-fill Dump
FanficDisclaimer: I do not own anything minus a few of the creative names, titles and the odd OC that pops up! The respective Authors, Artists, Craftsmen and anyone else I might have missed own everything else you see in this Fic!! So I have this cross po...