Hotel room

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Draco and Hermione walked out of the building without any words. They did not care to look at each other. Hermione was angry and she was rather freaked out. Draco was busy grinning at the pervert thoughts in his mind about sharing his room with such a beautiful witch.

Draco's POV:-

I have to say that I am utterly pleased by coming back here in London. Who knew that the old bushy know-it-all would turn out to be such a fine beauty.

She might be the most beautiful witch on this earth. And oh thanks to Merlin that this beauty will be staying with me every night. Oh yeah, I am in love. (looks at Hermione walking in front of him) oh damn, look at that fine body but man, her eyes they are so beautiful. I can get lost in them forever.

Hermione's pov:-

Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Why Merlin, this ferret? I could have stayed with any other agent but this annoying ferret I just can't handle. I have no idea whether I can even stay with him a single night without hexing him. (looking behind) oh shit! He is already giving a fucking smile. I feel like hexing him right now. I don't know what the fuck is going on in his tiny little brain.

They walked out the door. They both looked at each other. Draco smirked and Hermione glared at him.

Hermione: keys! (Ordered)

Draco: (casually) yes, darling whatever you want.

*he threw the keys at her*

She caught the keys and grabbed her wand tightly.

Hermione's POV:-

"Darling" oh my god, this ferret just called me what. Okay, Hermione control. Not in public, not in public!"


She calmed herself down. They both got in the car.

Hermione wasn't even looking at Draco. Her eyes on the road.

Draco was constantly looking at her.

Draco's POV:-

Oh my god. She is so beautiful. She is like an angel. Oh her looks, oh my god. I don't have anything else to say.


The atmosphere in the car was romantic. Draco just could not take his eyes off Hermione and Hermione could feel his stare that was making her uncomfortable. But she was unable to do anything. She was angry and uncomfortable. She promised that she would beat the shit out of Draco for making her feel so uncomfortable after the mission. To change the mood Hermione turned on the radio. There were some 5 minutes Muggle news and then a romantic song was up. Hermione in her mind "oh shit". 

She looked at Draco who was already lost in her. Hermione called "Draco, we have reached!". He did not say anything but just raised his one brow and rested his head on his hand.


Oh, darn why he doesn't say anything. it's so annoying but oh lord he is so sexy. He has changed so much.


Draco interrupted saying "Yeah darling I know I'm very sexy and irresistible. I know you are already dreaming of sharing the bed with me tonight."

"Oh shut that fucking mouth of yours, Draco. Just get the fucking out of my car. You are at your hotel"

Draco's concentration broke. He looked out of the window and found they had already reached. Draco panicked and understood what made Hermione so angry.

 He started apologizing "oh shit, I am so sorry Hermione". He quickly got out of the car and got his things out. He stood on the street looking at Hermione who was still in her car.

"Hey, ain't you coming, girl?" 

Hermione: Oh please, I am not staying with you. You know that very well. Just because Charlotte said, I am not going to stay with you. I still have my car to live in. Now get the fucking out of my sight. 

Draco looked at her for few minutes but then getting annoyed he got in the building.

Draco's POV:-

I am sick of this little bitch. She still thinks that she is still that fucking know-it-all. Why in the world the Lord found me this agent to work with. I fucking don't care about her. She just doesn't have the manner to talk to me even. She is still that pathetic little Gryffindor. MUGGLEBORN!

Draco got inside hurriedly and without wasting time. He went to his room. 

Hermione's POV:-

Why can't he ever act like a normal wizard? Does he have to be always so annoying? How the hell did he even think that I was going to stay with him? He is such a scumbag. If it was legal, I would have killed him at once. I don't want to work with him. Why me, Lord? Why me? I was okay with my life. Why this fucking mess did you send me?

She looked at the window and saw the snow falling slowly.

Oh with all this now the snow also. Thank you a lot, God. (Angrily)


Draco's POV:-

Good thing that they found me a wizard hotel. I fucking hate the Muggle ones. The door opens when I show the card to the door. Ah, new technology man. Great!

*He entered the room*

My eyes traveled around the dark green colored room. It is quite huge. And it is also my favorite color green. I might just spend my whole life here with a lovely wife who will make muffins for me like the ones my mom used to make.

*he looks the glass window*

Hmm... the snowfall of London! (He smiled) Damn, I miss those days, fun with Zabini and Goyle, Disturbing the first years and most importantly annoying Hermione. If she was a pureblood I would have had happily married her by now. I always loved her. I understand how foolish this blood status is. It's good that everything is normal now. But I don't think Hermione will ever love me. I have done so many unforgivable things *looks at his mark on his hand*

It must be cold outside. I don't think Granger can sleep in her car in such cold weather. May be I should bring her in.


He grabbed his coat and walked outside. He found Granger sleeping wrapped up in a thick blanket in the back seat of her car. He unlocked the and bent over her curled up body. His hand touched the blanket.

"Oh Merlin, it's warm! she really is very smart. May be I was wrong coming to aid her like this. But I think it's unsafe for her to sleep the night off in her car who knows which bloody death eater may come" he thought.

He picked Granger up in his strong arms in bridal style. Her head fell on his chest lightly. She brought her hand close to his chest and curled up more in his arms. A smile sprang on Draco's face. He could not stop admiring the beauty of sleeping Granger in his arms. He slowly took her to his room and laid her in his bed. With a swing of his wand, he dressed her in some comfortable clothes and covered her with the blankets. He took a pillow from his bed and went to the large black couch and laid himself to get a good night sleep.

Thanks for reading!




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