I will get you out

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A/N:- Sorry for the late update. I was a bit caught up with other stuffs. Here is the new chapter.

Thanks a lot for the votes on the last chapter.

I hope you like this chapter. Let me know your opinions on this chapter!

Enjoy xx

"Nothing" Hermione stammered. "You were kissing Malfoy" Harry yelled. Hermione watched Harry's face. He was more shocked than angry.

She expected him to yell at her. She remembered that day at the café when he called her to meet him. She knew that it was about Malfoy.

Though she never made it there, but Harry now knows everything. He must have got all the answers to his questions. "Mione, I never expected you to" Harry said in a normal tone. Hermione let out a sigh of relief to hear his normal voice.

Draco watched the two friends with utter silence. "I am not doing anything wrong Harry" Hermione said. "Of course not, but the problem is, he is Draco Malfoy" Harry said as he glared at the other man in that room.

Draco made an eye contact with the chosen one but then faced Hermione. He felt bad the way Harry said the words. Hermione saw the discomfort on Draco's face. "Harry potter, how can you talk like that, I thought that the war has changed all these" Hermione said in her bold tone.

"Don't bring the war in this matter, mione. I have no problem that you are dating Malfoy, but the problem is he is now a suspect bomber. The whole wizarding world hates him." Harry informed.

Draco listened to Harry's words; his face started getting a little paler. He looked scared and worried.

"I know that Draco did nothing intentionally, he was bewitched. He can never do something like that. I will prove it" Hermione said bravely as she grabbed the prison bars tightly. "It's easy to say, but difficult to do" Harry said as he started unlocking the cell with a spell. Hermione and Draco watched him as he opened the gate.

"Hermione you are clean, the vial that we found in your ... Your.. A.. br.. Undergarment has no trace of your fingerprints or your wand magic. We although found another small portion of a fingerprint" Harry informed. Hermione looked at Draco.

"Go and try to contact the office, if no one helps; try to contact robin from the Sydney department" Draco said in a serious tone in Hermione's ear.

Hermione nodded and placed a quick peck on his lips. He slightly smiled. "I love you" Draco whispered in her ear. Hermione felt a shiver down her spine and she hugged him. "I love you too" she whispered in his ear. "Come on mione" Harry called.

Hermione let go of Draco and walked to Harry's side. "I will get you out Draco" Hermione said as Harry again locked the gate. "Thank you, now go and do what I just said" Draco said. Hermione nodded.

Harry grabbed her arm, and pulled her out of that place. Hermione kept on turning back and watching him, while Draco watched her walking out of the room. When they were out Harry left her arm.

He turned the witch to face him by placing his both hands on her shoulder. "Listen mione; don't try to help your lover there. I don't want you to get in trouble. I will try my best to get him out. But it would take some time." Harry almost threatened.

Hermione furrowed her brows. "I won't get into trouble Harry" she said plainly. Harry stared into her brown eyes for a moment. "You are not going to listen to me, are you?" he asked as he looked at his feet. "No" she said.

"Fine, then, do what you can. Just stay away from the press and ever need my help, contact me." Harry said. "Thank you, you are the best" she said as she grinned. She hugged him tightly.
"Now, listen Hermione, I have somehow managed to not let the words slip that you were arrested. But I can't trust my own men, so its better, you know, you just go into hiding and stick to places where there are less crowd, for the time being" Harry said.

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