love or something else?

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A/N:- thanks for the votes on the last chapter. Here is the new chapter. Enjoy!

"What the hell happened with charlotte, what did not she recognize me? Something is really wrong." Hermione thought. She was being taken to some other place.

She looked around; it was a nice lit hallway, much like a muggle hospital. She watched Harry who was walking in front of her. He did not say a word. From his face it was visible that he was in some deep thought.

"Harry?" Hermione whispered. He did not say anything nor turned around.

"Harry?" she called again. He still kept walking in silence. "Harry?" she said a bit louder. "Yeah, yes, what?" he asked in confusion. "What are you thinking?" she whispered. "Ginny" he said in a lower tone. He left a sigh. "I am really sorry Harry, she will get better" she said in a lower tone looking around.

People were staring at her. She gulped down her own saliva, looking at the people. Some were whispering which was mostly inaudible. But she caught her name being said in between the whispering gossips. She never felt so much humiliated.

She almost wished that it was all a bad dream and she would just wake up any time. But that did not happen. She wanted to ask Harry whether he could just let her out of that magically bind that was dragging her behind Harry but she decided against it thinking about Harry.

The duo reached a door. Hermione studied the plain white door with a glass window in the top portion. "Let's go" Harry said as he pushed open the door. Hermione left a sigh of frustration and walked in with her best friend.

"What's this?" she asked. "A place for you to stay till you are here" he managed to make up, to not let her know that she was going to get locked up. "Seriously?" she asked as she raised her brow.

"Jail?" Hermione asked sarcastically. Harry grabbed her arm and helped her get in the cell. "I never thought that you would be one to do this to me" she said as she grabbed on to the bars.

"Honestly Hermione, I am not at all happy to do this, I will try to find a way out for you. But I can't say, if I can help your friend" he said emphasizing the word "friend".

"Draco?" she asked. He nodded and locked the gate with a spell. "Hey wait, "Draco"? He asked as he raised his brow. "Yes that is his name!" Hermione said realizing her mistake.

"Since when did you start calling him Draco?" he asked as he smiled evilly. "We are friends, Harry, as you said" she said confidently.

"Okay, all right, wait here till I bring your friend then" he said and smiled at her. He then walked away without any more words.

Hermione's POV:-

I watched Harry walk to the main door. It was a complete silence when the door was closed with some magic. The ward formed up from inside and outside, as he locked the door.

"These people take security more seriously, than it's necessary. I looked around. The floor was a shade of paler blue.

The bars were white color so was the ceiling and the wall. Muggle lights were fixed on the ceiling which lit the room bright. There was some more small jail like room around with a sitting area joined with the wall. "Disturbing place" I said to myself.

I don't know what the hell happened with charlotte. Why didn't she recognize me? Is she okay? The questions were rushing around in my mind.

"Draco must know something, I need to talk to him" I said to myself. I was pacing around the place, but nothing was happening. I was confused.

It was pathetically painful to not know something when your whole life is involved in it. No matter how many styles of breathing I apply, I could not relax for a single second. It was hell, more than hell. I was going mad, I thought so.

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