Love at first sight

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Draco had that same old irritated face. His looks had gone through major changes but he still followed some habits. He looked more casual and handsome. His hair was dyed to brownish blond. The silvery blond was long gone. His pale face had changed its color.

The Aussie atmosphere had done its work on his skin too. The warmth of the southern hemisphere had changed his looks, his way of thinking and his everything. He was a war hero but he was forgotten or may be wizards did not care about him as he was on the other side from the beginning.

He remembered those days when he used to get off the train and people used to stare at him. He used to be a wizard from the pureblood dynasty maintaining the high esteem. He had never thought that he would have a life of his own ever. But God had shown mercy to him. He had his freedom, not exactly how he wanted but he was much pleased with his life than before.

He started searching for the agent.

Draco's POV:-

"Merlin, these people could have at least given me a photo of that dumb partner. He proved how pathetic he is, on the very first day. I have no idea what a lame ass I have to work with this time" I thought.

I started looking here and there. Wizards started looking at me with confusion when I was just standing and staring at random people.

"Yeah, everyone would freak out if some man comes from nowhere, stands in the crowd and stares at the people. I shall never forgive that agent for putting me such an awkward situation. I hate him so much. They should have let me work alone on this one. It would be better if I start walking rather than standing" I thought. 

I walked few steps and all of a sudden my eyes fell on a gorgeous lady in her twenties. She was all in black, it was shocking. But she looked so familiar as if I have known her for years. She looked so beautiful. I walked up to her slowly to not startle her. She was looking down on the floor. I tried to recognize her. I went closer and closer. She was so busy that she did not notice my presence. I was curious about what she so busy thinking.

Suddenly someone pushed me hard. I tripped myself and fell on her. Her heel broke and she lost her balance, she grabbed me and then we both fell on the cold floor. I on top of her.

For the first time, I looked at her face. She was so beautiful. I forgot everything. My hands were at the sides of her head. I looked at her with awe. I looked at her lips and her blinking eyes. I was lost in her beauty. And then. Smack!



It was paining badly. I felt the sharp heat arousing from my cheek. I recognized her, she was Hermione Granger. Harry's and weasel's babe.

Hermione's POV:-

I did not understand what had happened. Everything was so quick. I slowly moved my head which was hurting badly. When I opened my eyes I saw a man on top of me. I did not understand anything and I just slapped him. I felt so angry. I was so disgusted with him on top of me. All I remembered was that I was standing and then someone fell with me whom I had grabbed for support. 

"Get the fuck off me, you scumbag!"

I looked at him. He had his palm sticking to the freshly slapped cheek of his face. He stared at my face as if I was something from outer space. I was already late and the man was making me later. I pushed him aside with my hands. I did not know I had become so strong. He fell down beside me and got back his senses. He stood up.

I also took no time in getting back on my feet but the broken heel made me again lose my balance. I reached for his chest for support. I looked at him. His face seemed familiar. He looked similar to Draco Malfoy but he was different.

Suddenly, he hugged me tightly. He kissed my forehead. My eyes widened in shock and confusion. He was squeezing me. He was so strong, strong like Ronald. His hug felt comforting as if I wanted that to happen with me for so many days. I did not wish to be hugged by some weirdo stranger but I wanted him to hug me for some more minute. He pulled me away from his chest and his hand still gripping my arms at both my side.

"Hermione Granger, I can't believe it's you"

I quickly grabbed his coat and pulled him in that book stall where I bought that book. I closed the door. I looked around to check whether anyone had noticed all the drama. I knew many saw the thing but I was more concerned whether anyone had heard my name. I looked out through the glass portion of the old wooden door. I turned to face him but to only find him having his hands placed at the side of my head. He looked into my eyes deeply.

I was feeling nervous with those gray eyes staring at me with a smirk on the face. His face was very close to mine. I stepped back but I hit the door. I was trapped. I felt helpless. I curled up my brows with courage and pushed him away with my hand. He looked confused.

"Oh my Merlin, I am so sorry, Hermione but you are so beautiful. You have turned so beautiful, sweetheart. And I am really very sorry. I know that you are married to that weasel redhead. I am really sorry. Honestly, Hermione, I could not resist myself! You must be a model in the muggle world for merlin's sake or an actress?"

His words made me angrier but somehow I also felt proud of my beauty. But then I broke into tears, not because of his filthy behavior but because he called me Ronald's wife.

"Ronald, oh Ronald why have you left me" I cried bitterly.

Draco's POV:-

I had no idea what I had done. I was so confused. I had no idea what I was saying. She started to cry all of a sudden. I asked her what was wrong and I apologized many times but she did not stop. I could not see tears on that beautiful face. 

"Please, Hermione, forgive me. Punish me if you want"

"No, Draco, you have done nothing wrong. You were always that asshole and I know you will be" 

I frowned when she said that but I was more worried about what she was crying about.

"Draco, Ron is gone. He is no more. He died a few years back after the war. He died because of cancer!" she burst into tears. 

The shopkeeper watched me with suspicious eyes. I got nervous. I did not understand what to do. I hugged her again.

"Yes, honey we will have a baby. Please, don't cry! I am ready,  sweetheart" 

I grabbed her and forcibly took her outside with my luggage with me.

Thanks for reading!




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