Malfoy Manor

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A/N:- sorry for the late update. I was a bit sick and also busy. Here is the new chapter. I hope you enjoy it!

Thanks for the votes and comments on the last chapter!

Comment whatever you feel about this chapter, I won't mind!


Draco panicked when he heard the man in his arms groan loudly and then slowly close his eyes when he was rushing towards the fireplace. He could hear the footsteps of Hermione behind him.

He used his all his strength to grab the floo powder as the bleeding knuckles of his was making it more painful.

He could hear Hermione muttering to hurry up, he just nodded and bellowed "St. mungos" quite loudly.

The flames engulfed both the wizards. When Draco opened his eyes he saw the Marvin's shirt getting wetter with his fresh blood.

His wounds had reopened because of the flooing. The wet warm blood was sticking to his shirt as well.

He looked up and saw two wizards pointing their wands at them. "Open these" he yelled as the floo was sealed when he was there. The men glared at the two.

"He is wounded, he has been cursed with Sectasempra" he yelled and pleaded. But the young Aurors were not listening to him. He yelled loudly calling for help.

"Percy, open the seals, they are with me" Hermione almost screamed. Soon the gates vanished and he rushed out. A stretcher appeared in front of them magically.

Draco placed his body carefully on the stretcher and he was then taken into a room far away from them.

Draco looked at Hermione. She hugged him tightly. "Are you all right?" she asked. He nodded.

"Where is Potter's daughter?" he asked as he did not find the little baby in her arm.

"She is with George, he will take him to the burrow" she said as she pointed at the red head Weasley, holding the little baby.

"Where is Potter?" Draco asked as he looked around seeing the men guarding each room. "I don't know" she answered in a panicked tone.

"Percy, where is Harry?" she asked the red head who was talking with a staff. He looked irritated when she approached him in between of his conversation.

He turned to her, "James and albus have been kidnapped by them" his voice was a bit sadder.

"What?" Draco almost screamed. Percy watched the unknown man and then nodded. "Harry went to get them with few other Aurors" he added.

"Why are you here Percy? Why did not you go, with him?" Hermione asked in an annoyed tone as she took a step forward towards him.

"Harry ordered us to guard the hospital, since they might even attack here. Aurors have been posted everywhere, including the Hogwarts, and the houses of the people who were in the war." He informed.

"What led to the attack?" Draco asked
in a lower tone.

"I don't know much, but I heard that someone from within the department was giving them information and when he was caught by the Aurors few hours back, he decided to call his friends to aid him." he replied with a gritted teeth.

"Do you know who he is?" Hermione asked. He shook his head side to side. "You better ask the Aurors, I don't know" he said and pointed at an aged Auror who was guarding a room.

The Auror seemed busy talking to someone on the phone.

Hermione turned to Draco, "Draco go and meet a healer. You should get your hands healed." Hermione ordered. "Not now" he said and ignored.

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