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A/N: Finally I am again back with a new chapter. I was busy on my other dramione book "enslaved". Now that's up for editing and I am continuing with this book.

Sorry for such long wait.

By the way, thanks for the votes in the last chapter!


Draco's eyes were fixed on the woman next to him. He felt worried and nervous. "Am I alright? I never feel like this, why am I so sad?" he asked to himself while one hand on his heart.

The slight pain in his heart was making him feel panicked. "Why the hell I might be sad about Hermione?" he asked himself looking at her tear filled brown eyes.

The car slowed down and they both took a good look in the front. "We are here Malfoy!" Hermione managed to say with her trembling voice. Draco looked at his surrounding and looked at Hermione. She let out a sigh and got out of the car.

Draco's world slowed down. He slowly got out of the car and followed her in the small café. He felt the warmth of the café after the chilly weather. Hermione walked in and took her seat as if she had always come here. Draco sat in front of her looking at her.

"Look at me one time girl!" Draco mentally told her. She snorted while crying, her face was red and she looked up. Their eyes met, and Draco used his excellent skills in legilimency on her.

She kept staring, her memories replaying in her mind. Draco watched her and Ron; he saw her marriage, their time together and their separation within seconds. He lived her life within seconds. She closed her eyes and Draco broke his contact with her mind. His eyes filled with tears.

Hermione stared at the empty snow covered surrounding from the window. "Excuse me, what would you like to have?" a waitress asked politely.

Draco's eyes looked up at the waitress. She smiled in a flirtatious way and winked at him. He curled his brows. "What would you like to have granger?" he asked Hermione. "Whatever you like Draco?" she blurted out.

"Get us two plates of bacons, fried egg and toasts. And yes two cups coffee, thank you!" he said quickly taking the menu in his hand. "Anything else sir?" the waitress asked with a flirty smile.

"Do you want anything else granger?" he asked Hermione. She moved her head side to side to say a no. "Yeah that's all then." He said facing the waitress. "O-KAY" She said raising the eye brows. She looked at Hermione with frustration and turned away to do her job.

Draco's eyes were back on the woman again. He moved from his place and sat beside her. His arm shaked a little as he tried to put it on her shoulder, to try to comfort her.

Hermione's eyes widened with his touch. Slowly she moved her face facing him and then crashed herself into his arm.

Her tears rolled down as her body kept on shaking with her sobs. Draco felt her cold body and tried to cover her in his coat while she hid her face in his chest.

Draco hugged her tightly in his arms. An old man in the corner seat looked at him with pity. The café was otherwise empty. "Shush Hermione, it's okay dear!" he said in his most gentle voice. His voice calmed her senses.

He gently patted on her head till she stopped her crying.

She tore herself from his hug slowly and sat up straight. Her eyes fixed on the lap. Suddenly she felt soft hands on her face. Draco slowly cupped his hand around her face, their eyes met again.

Hermione looked into his silver orbs, all she found was love. She was confused. She was unable to think anything properly; she pushed her face to feel his lips.

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