Lovely quarrel

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Hermione kept on crying. He waited patiently for her to stop but he couldn't wait for long. He checked his watch. "God, I am so late. I also need to meet that agent" he thought. 

"Oh girl just shut it now!" he screamed at her.

Hermione looked blankly at him. She felt as if she was in a dream. Draco grabbed her and shook her violently. The lock card from her purse fell on the floor. He noticed the shiny silvery card and picked it up. 

"Rosenberg hotel room 445" he read.

He pulled out his small notepad from the pocket and started searching for a page. Meanwhile, Hermione was calming her senses. She was unaware that Draco had the secret thing for which she had travel so far. 

Draco matched the name of the hotel and the room number with the card. 

"Why the hell Hermione has the key to his room?"he thought.

 " LR?" he asked.

 Hermione nodded to say yes! 

She looked up with confusion at Draco's face.

"How do you know my agent name?" 

Draco showed her the key. Hermione quickly grabbed the card and hid it in the purse. Draco laughed at her move.

"Witch, I am the man you are looking for. I am 'sly'"

Hermione studied him from top to bottom. 

"You an agent? Draco, you?" 

 "Why? what's wrong with me being an agent? I think a girl like you probably should not play around doing such a dangerous job"

 "How dare you say that shit to me, Malfoy?"

They started bickering again. 

"Just stop now. Draco follow me!" Hermione yelled.

Draco did not wish to fight with Hermione again so he just followed her. She took him to her car and opened the back to let him shove in his large suitcase. Draco gave her an angry look and threw his suitcase making a little sound.

She returned a death glare. He returned back the same stare. Both were acting as if they really wanted to kill each other. People around stopped to look at them still fighting. Some laughed at them, some gave them a disgusted look, some who considered them husband and wife felt pity and the rest just ignored. But whatever they were doing they were getting a lot of attention. So much attention that the news directly went to Hermione's boss Charlotte and she wasn't happy about it!


"Give me the keys am driving" Draco requested.

"No way, I don't think I will be alive if you drive"

"Oh, really? And you think I will be alive with your lame driving? I am a much better driver than you"

"Shut up, ferret"

Suddenly a howler came between them. It was from Hermione's boss. Both of them looked at it with confused faces.

"Get back to the office both of you now. Stop making a show there. Report just now!" screamed an angry Mrs. Charlotte.

Draco grabbed the keys and ran to the driver's seat and Hermione sat down beside him. Draco started the car and he put that on full speed. 

"Hey, don't damage my car"

 "shut up, will you?"

Somehow they managed their way to the office without killing each other. Hermione and Draco were both nervous. They looked at each other and gave each other death glares. They started to walk in. All the other agents there sitting started looking at them. The women folk smiled and looked coyly at Draco. Draco left no chance and smirked at them.

"Jerk" Hermione thought.

 They both walked quickly and reached the empty dark hallway. Hermione had her heels in her hands and was walking. Draco kept on checking out Hermione's arse as he followed her. 

Draco interrupted "babe, you have a fine butt". 

Hermione stopped and turned around. She slapped him.

"Stop jerking around being an asshole"

 Draco frowned. 

Finally they both reached the door. Hermione leaned forward and whispered the password. Draco did not pay much attention. The door was ajar after it had her words!

"Come in!" Charlotte ordered.

"Here goes nothing" Hermione sighed. 

Draco spotted Hermione was nervous about meeting her boss. But he was in a jolly good mood. When he understood that her boss (presently his boss too) was a woman, he was more confident about handling the situation. He was pretty proud of his charms on women.

Hermione slowly walked in. Mrs. Charlotte spotted her heels in her hand. Her eyes widened and brows rose. She studied Draco who had dust on his coat.

"Sit down please"

They looked at each other with tension and then sat down. Charlotte was busy writing something with the magic quill. Hermione closed her palm into a fist. Draco's eyes fell on the motion Hermione made. He became a little confused because he knew Hermione was a brave girl.

After some minutes of silence, Mrs. Charlotte's quill took its position in the ink pot. Both of them looked at how it flew past their eyes and sat in the pot on its own. She stood up which somehow made Hermione shiver.

Mrs. Charlotte looked at both of them.

Charlotte: (shouted at the top of her voice) how dare you two make a show outside with the knowledge that you guys can't be so social and public. You both have insulted my department that now I have to answer my bosses. Why don't you people understand how dangerous can this turn into? Don't you both know that death eaters are on lose? You are risking your own life.

Hermione: but ma'am it was him who started all this, you have to listen!

Charlotte glared at her!

Charlotte: foolish woman! Start accepting him as your partner, will you? The tension between you both may even cost the reputation of my department. (Draco let out a light giggle)

She looked at Draco. She studied him from top to bottom which was noticed by Hermione as well as Draco. Draco smirked at her!

Charlotte: what you giggling and smirking at? Don't you have manners? I really hate the Aussie department. Don't you know how to respect your boss?

Draco looked down in shame. Hermione hid an evil smile which was seen by Draco from the corner of his eye.He lightly stomped Hermione's small toe on her right leg which made Hermione let out a little yelp.

"Stop it now, both of you. You guys need to learn how to work together. Hermione give me the keys to your house"

Hermione looked at her boss with confusion. She was reluctant.

Charlotte: Hand me the keys! quick!

Hermione dipped her hand into the magic bag and whispered "keys". The key flew to her hand. She grabbed it and handed it to charlotte. She almost snatched it away from her hand. Hermione looked at her keys.

Charlotte: Hermione from now on you will stay with sly in his apartment till the mission ends. I think it will be best for you guys to work things out. Moreover, you can also plan your moves if you stay together. Go now get out of the room, both of you.

 "Please ma'am! I am not going to share my place with this girl" Draco said.

Charlotte: Are you the boss here? (Angrily)

Draco was quiet. Hermione pulled his coat lightly. He understood and did not say anything. He knew that Hermione was smarter than him. So he found it best to listen to her. They both walked out of the room.

Charlotte, in the meanwhile, hid an evil grin.

Thanks for reading!




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