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A/N:- Here is the new chapter. I have tried to my best to write this different kind of dramione fiction. I hope you are enjoying reading my book.

Thanks for all the votes and comments on the last chapter!

Enjoy! Xx

Draco's POV:-

I tried to move my body. My whole body was aching badly. The events of the evening flooded in my mind. I tried to open my eyes but I saw nothing.

There was something covering my eyes. I tried to move my arms but I think I was put on a full body bind spell. I tried to relax and focused on hearing things. Bad news was it was eerily quiet. There was no sound at all. I tried to feel the ground beneath myself. It was concrete underneath and the air around smelled like a bit of wood. Suddenly there was noise around me. Someone opened a door. The door seemed to be just few steps away.

"Finite incantetum" a voice whispered. I felt my body getting loose. I tried moving my arms and legs. They moved. Before I could do anything, another cold thing hit my body. I could see the sparkle of red light through the blind fold. I felt my body move on its own.

"Damn it" I muttered in my mind. I was on imperius. I felt a shiver run down my spine just at the thought of it. The blind fold on my eyes fell off from face. I fluttered my eyes open.

There was a small bulb lit over my head. I tried to adjust my eye sight. I looked at the people in front of me. I gulped down my own spit that had formed in my mouth. In my front stood the ex-death eater Antonin dolohov and beside him was Barty crouch junior with his wand pointed at me.

Grins emerged on both their faces and I had the urge to kick their filthy faces. They glared at me. Then I felt my arm getting raised on its own. Dolohov took two steps towards me and grabbed my arm tightly. He pulled up the sleeve of coat and my shirt. He stared at the faint dark mark for few seconds and then looked up to glare at me.

"See this Malfoy, this means you will forever remain a death eater like us. We won't allow you to enjoy your life while we others suffer. We were an army and we will remain an army." He said in a vicious tone. I could not say anything but I wanted to kill him right there and then.

"We would want you to meet some of your old friends, who joined the dark lord at the very end" he informed. I did not understand what the fuck he was talking about. I tried to look around but it was all dark. "Reveal yourselves!" dolohov commanded.

I gazed in the dark, and I saw figures emerging from there. Soon I could make out their faces as the light fell on their faces. Dolohov moved away from my view. I saw four servers and two cooks whom I had seen working. They all smirked at me. I could not understand, I did not even know them. They looked more like some muggle.

"Barty, take away the curse!" dolohov ordered and laughed. Barty smirked at me and then lowered his wand as he took off the curse. I felt weak all of a sudden and fell on the floor.

I punched the concrete floor, and then tried to stand but I was way too weak. I looked up and glared at the faces but suddenly their faces started to change.

I watched the magic with widened eyes, soon their faces and body transformed and in my front stood my old classmates, Gregory Goyle, Blaise Zabini, Theodore Nott, Daphne Greengrass, Pansy Parkinson and my school day crush Astoria Greengrass. I was rather more shocked seeing Astoria among those filthy people. I swear, it hurt more than hell. But I had no more feelings for that stupid girl.

"I hope you know what they used, I think you were the second topper after your mudblood girlfriend" dolohov said.

"Polyjuice Potion" the name popped in my mind at his question. "What do you want now?" I asked boldly although my throat was dry. They all laughed at my question which made me angrier. "well of course, complete the noble work of the great lord Voldemort" barty crouch junior said the words with proudness.

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