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Thanks for the votes and comments on the last chapter. :)

Well this is the last chapter on this book. I am not good at writing books with many chapters.

But I will try my best to write more chapters on my upcoming dramione book "kidnapped"!

Oh yeah! There is also a cute epilogue too since I could not put too much dramione moments in the last chapters of this book.

I hope the epilogue will fill the gap of the lack of dramione moments.

Comment and let me know your thoughts about the chapter!
Enjoy xx

They all struggled in their binds as the gang of death eaters started to laugh more and more. The door of the room was closed and so were the windows with a spell.

Amycus formed a ward around the room so that no one could enter the room. Draco's pale face had turned into a shade of pink with all that struggling and screaming.

But no matter how much the four men screamed their voice was nothing but a gush of wind from their mouth. Antonin pointed his wand at Hermione. She tensed up as she saw the wand pointed at her.

"You will pay for this" she yelled. He laughed and soon she was dropped to the floor with immense force.

"Uff" the sound came out of her throat as she reached the floor. Her left arm ached as she fell on it. She looked up at her friends and lover; their eyes were shimmering with fresh tears.

Her eyes met with Draco's silver eyes which were now watered and his face showed how pained he was. She blamed herself for letting him get hurt like that.

Soon Hermione's eyes went blurry with the tears in her own eyes. She glared at the group of death eaters who stood surrounding her.

"She is a fiery one" Barty commented as he grinned wildly. "Don't you do anything to me, you scum" she said as she started to back off.

Barty started to walk towards her with a swagger. The others simply laughed at her. She glared at the man when he was nearest to her.

The wizard smirked at her. Hermione watched him for a second and then smirked back.

She used all her strength and swung her leg to kick barty's leg. He fell down on the floor. Their laughter ceased as they saw the fallen comrade.

Hermione took the chance and stood up quickly. She kicked his balls as hard as she could and he yelped in enormous pain.

For a moment the bound men, stopped their struggling and smirked at the witch's work.

"You little bitch" Antonin said as he approached the witch. "Crucio" he growled.

Hermione fell on to the floor again with ear piercing screech. The scream forced the death eaters to pull their hands to their ears.

Amycus flicked his wand and the Hermione's voice was silenced.

Hermione curled up into a ball as the pain in her skin and organs continued. Tears rolled down her cheeks and on to the floor.

She felt the coldness of the marbled floor. The coldness somehow soothed her burning skin but that was not enough. The wizards again started another round of laughter seeing her suffering.

Barty finally managed to sooth the pain with a healing spell and then stood up. He glared at the witch. His eyes were red with anger. He gritted his teeth.

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