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A/N:- so this is the end of the book. I have uploaded another dramione book named "kidnapped" if you are interested you may check it out and make me happy!

Thanks for the votes and comments on the last chapter! I really love you people.

I am always ready for a chat, so Message me if you ever get bored or something!

Comment what you feel about this part!



Skipping to two years:-

Hermione's pov:-

I was dressing up. I was smiling and grinning as I was looking at the reflection on the mirror. I watched the dark green dress that I wore, a gift from Draco, of course. I smiled when I remembered he said that he wanted to see me in more slytherin clothes.

He even said that I should have been in slytherin as according to Lucius I showed all the qualities of a true slytherin but I doubt that. There was a lot more in me. So many things have changed.

I looked around our bedroom. It was a blend of green and blue, our favourite colours. I smiled more, I had a life now. I turned my head as I heard a pop near the doorway. I smiled more.

"How is my lovely girlfriend?" Draco said as he walked to me with a bouquet of roses in his hand. He was dressed in an all-black suit and his hair was styled.

He looked dashing. I let out a giggle seeing his toothy grin on his handsome. I kissed his lips and smiled.

"Happy birthday dear, you look gorgeous like always" he said as he pulled me to a hug tightly. "Thank you" I mumbled.

"Ready for the gift?" he asked and I could not believe how excited I was. "May I have your arm, my lady?" he said and bowed down. I laughed. "Sure, I am all yours" I said and placed my hand on his.

"Ready?" he asked as he got into the position for the side apparition. I smiled and nodded. I closed my eyes. When I opened we were in a dark and dirty place.

I was confused as I looked around. I was expecting him to take me to a fancy restaurant. "What is this Draco? You dressed me all up for this?" I asked angrily.

"Calm down mione" he said as he smiled. His smile was still on his face. I was confused.

I crossed my arms over my chest. He was still smirking. "Wait" he said as he digged his hands in his pocket. "What is it? I don't like the smell here!" I informed as I looked at the dustbins.

"No problem with that" he said and flicked the wand. The place was smell free.

"Better" I said as I nodded. It was already 5 minutes as we stood there. He was texting someone constantly as we stood there with no talk at all.

It was getting irritating.

I tapped my foot on the ground impatiently as I glared at my handsome boyfriend.

"If you make me wait another minute, I will apparate straight home, Mr Ferret" I snapped. He laughed. "If you do that you will regret it, miss beaver" he said and took a step closer.

He was taller than me. I looked up at him and he gave me his same old smirk. I glared at his silver eyes.

"You look hot when you are angry" he said. And I could not stop myself from blushing.

But somehow I managed the angry looking face. I narrowed my eyes. He just stared at my face as if I was something unusual.

Soon there was a noise at the back of him. I pulled out my wand in fright. He turned around and there stood a young boy. I pointed my wand at the boy; he quickly raised his hands in surrender.

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