New Feelings

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A/N:- here is my new chapter. I hope you like it. Feel free to criticize, I don’t mind!
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Draco: well, your boss, just send us the invitations I guess. (He opened the envelope)
Hermione: ok fine. When do we need to reach there? (She asked while trying to stand up)

Draco walked to the living room and looked at the woman trying to stand up straight. He felt a little guilty. He held the phone and it changed into his wand. Hermione looked at the magic happen in front of her in awe. She was shocked.

“That’s brilliant!” she managed to say with the pain in her abdomen. Draco looked at her and raised the wand at her abdomen. Hermione’s eyes widen. “hey wait, what are you going to do?” Hermione asked. Draco saw the fear in her eyes and he smiled evilly. Within seconds a white light emerged from his wand and hit her abdomen. She jumped a little in shock and then rubbed her hand all over the abdomen. “it’s gone!” she said softly. She looked at him strangely. “You know healing spells?” she asked. “What makes you think I won’t? I am not that stupid, I am also an agent. But I guess you could have just said me a thank you!” he replied. “And why should I thank you?” she asked with a touch of sarcasm. Draco’s curled his brow in confusion “well hello, I just healed you witch.” She faked a laugh and added “well who was the one to give me the pain?”

Draco: so what? You started it. I deserve a thank you. (He rolled his eyes)
Hermione: no you don’t! By the way, I think I should also transfigure my wand into my phone. Why didn’t I think of that?

She walked to the bedroom to find her transfigured wand completely ignoring him.
“Stupid ungrateful woman” Draco said in whisper to himself.  He changed his wand into his phone again and walked to the window. He looked outside and found the streets to be covered in snow. “This room must be charmed with a heating spell” he thought. Suddenly he heard a growl in his stomach. He walked towards the bedroom, to see a new silver colored phone in Hermione’s hands. He stood behind Hermione to take a look at her phone and said “that is very cool phone Granger.” He complimented. “Yeah it is!” she answered facing him and smiled. “Now make me some food or shall we go out for the breakfast?” he asked.

Hermione: what makes you think that I would make breakfast for you? (She asked in an annoyed tone)
Draco: err… well because I am very hungry and I know you would love to cook for a handsome man like me. (He smiled)

Hermione rolled her eyes and looked at those gray orbs looking deeply into her eyes. She silently gazed in them more and bit her lips. Then she answered “no, you are not that handsome!” suddenly Draco bent towards her which made her take a step back but she collided with the bed. He moved his mouth near her ears and whispered “keep lying to yourself; I know you find me sexy”.

Shivers ran down her spine and she blushed. Draco looked at her face. She looked down in shame. Suddenly, she grabbed her clothes and phone and walked into the bathroom. She slammed the door closed.

Draco looked at the door and smiled. “God, she is so pretty when she blushes!” he thought and smiled. He transfigured his phone and used the scrogify spell on him. Within seconds he was cleaned. He wore some fresh clothes and waited for Hermione. “dress up quickly granger, I am hungry” he screamed.

Hermione locked herself in the bathroom and tears rolled down her cheeks. “Oh my god, what is happening to me? What does he make me feel strange? I don’t like this; I don’t like this at all. I should just stop! I can’t have feelings for him. I am only Ron’s Hermione. But he makes me feel so protected and happy and …… loved! No, no, Hermione gather yourself! This is just one mission. I can’t have feelings for that Malfoy. She stood up and scorgified herself. Suddenly she heard a voice, “dress up quickly granger, I am hungry”. She paused for a moment and then dressed up.

After 3 minutes she walked out. She found Draco sitting on the bed. He smiled seeing her. She turned her face and started walking to the living room. Draco frowned and followed her. She waved her wand and a light make up appeared on her face. she unlocked the door and started walking towards the stairs without waiting for Draco. He looked at the witch walking away from him as fast as she could and he gave out a sigh. He locked his door and followed her. She ignored him completely.

She reached her car. She looked around to see if there was any muggle or not. When she found no one, she waved her wand and the car changed into a black BMW car. She settled herself in the driver’s seat and waited for Draco. He appeared from the door and his eyes widened at the sight of the beautiful car in front. He hurried down the stairs and sat in the passenger’s seat. He looked at Hermione said “nice car, at least it’s better than the one from yesterday!” She had her eyes fixed on the road. “Thank you” she said plainly. The seatbelts were buckled up on its on which made Draco jump in shock. “Woah, granger, wand less magic! That’s brilliant!” he said in excitement. Hermione ignored him and started the engine. Draco felt bad. “Is she angry on me? I don’t know what happened to her!” he thought. He looked at her eyes. There were tears in her eyes. Draco felt guilty and he softly apologized “I am sorry Hermione”. He waited for a reply but she did not move or talk. She just ignored her and kept on driving. Draco decided to be quiet the whole way but he could not stop himself from looking at her and her tears!
Extremely sorry for such short chapter. I will make up for it in the next chapter (
Till then, vote and comment please. Let me know, how was it.

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