After the war

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It had been years after the wizarding war. Everything was at peace and everyone was happy. Hogwarts was back to its former glory and there was no more fear among the wizards and witches of the world. However, not everything was all right for Hermione Granger. She lost her husband, Ronald Weasley two years after her marriage. 

Ronald had hidden it from his family and friends for few years that he had cancer. In the wizarding world, curing cancer was not possible so Ron had assumed that he would die.(although every other impossible disease could be successfully cured but cancer was a thing that even the most powerful healers could not cure. )

When he was taking his last breath, he called "Hermione" just like he did when he woke up from his sleep in the sixth year in the school hospital wing. Even after 5 years of his death, Hermione would remember clearly how he had called her. 

She was deeply shocked by the death of her husband. She cut herself from all the connections and stayed alone most of her time. She stayed away from her friends, family and other people who loved her. However, she did talk to her friends, Harry and Ginny, to relive her days with Ronald.

Seeing Ginny made her feel that she was with Ronald.


She was working as a secret agent for the ministry to curb off any evil power. Harry worked under the minister and Ginny spent time at home looking after her kids. 

There was nothing new in Hermione's busy life. She went to work in the early morning and came home late night after eating dinner in a muggle joint. She had become very boring. Harry was worried about her. He felt miserable about losing his best friend and the jolly and smart Hermione.

Hermione had turned into a complete maniac. She was not herself anymore. She remained stressed out as she worked more than she was meant to. There were times when she broke down due to the immense emotional and work pressure. Her colleagues tried to help her but she never allowed them. Some witches in her office had even tried to help her with dates but they never worked out. 

She was not ready for the whole love thing. She felt it was the reason for all her suffering. Whenever she noticed couples walking on the streets, she would unknowingly give them glares

She was jealous because the whole world was enjoying but only she was left out of it. She cursed the god, many times a day but eventually at night, she would cry herself to sleep. She would beg the god again and again to bring back Ronald.





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