Draco in Sydney

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The old trio had broken up. Everything was completely different. Hermione's Hogwarts friends were all settled in their life. Even her enemy and bully, Draco Malfoy.

Draco was no more an egoistic and arrogant boy who always hated the half-bloods, Muggle-borns, and Muggles. He had started respecting each and every person of the wizarding world and also of the muggle world.

His work demanded him to cooperate with Muggles and live in the muggle world at times. He stopped following his father's foot steps. He wanted to restart his life as an independent wizard. The war had brought a great change in his life and personality. The people who had interacted with him after the war were surprised with his change in attitude. He accepted that it was his father and his family pride that made him pretend like an arrogant brat all the years he was in Hogwarts. 

Draco Malfoy had finally a free, happy life like he had dreamt of having all his childhood. He was in Australia working as an undercover secret agent. He worked for the London ministry but went to Australia after a year of the war for getting some information about a runaway death eater. He stayed there and worked for 5 years.

His job was way too risky but he loved it and wanted to do some good things for the wizarding world because he felt guilty about the things he did in his past.

In Sydney:-

(Broomsticks bar)

Draco was sipping in the last of the butterbeer left in his vessel. He looked at the door and then at his new golden watch.

Draco's POV:-

"Why is this Robin so late? It's already 7:05. He always gets on time. Is he in any trouble? Shall I go and check? (he looked at the door with concentration and hope). Oh, I just hate this bar, it is too crowded for me" I thought.

*Robin enters the pub*

"Oh, there you are Robin" I said in excitement. But he rushed towards me and placed his palm on my mouth.

Everyone sent looks at us. I curled up my brows and looked into Robin's dark eyes. He looked into mine with anger. He looked much tensed. He got his lips near my ear and whispered: "let's go somewhere ...er...more private, I have got some bad news"

I rose from my seat and flipped a coin on the table. He started moving out the bar and I followed him.

I had always liked him. He was my partner from the very first day, I arrived in Sydney. He was a citizen of Sydney. He was of the same height as me but he had a better body and tanned skin.

He walked in front of me and I followed him. From far it would not even seem that I knew him. It was a part of our job that we had to remain cut off from the whole world. It was painful but the job was worth everything.

I would sometime sit on my couch in my apartment and think about all my friends in Hogwarts. I had assumed that they all must have forgotten about me. But I would do anything to get back those days but without that "Voldemort".

Robin walked and walked, and finally, he reached an empty street. Sydney was a very busy and a crowded city, it was always a difficult task for us to meet and talk secretly.

He went and vanished in the darkness as he turned. I knew that he would be waiting there. He went and I walked more slowly, taking the time to not let anyone think that we were anyway connected. As I reached him I saw him standing still looking around making sure there was no one.

"What happened, mate?"

He removed his hood and my eyes fell on his scarred forehead. Blood was oozing out from the fresh bruise. I watched his bruise closely. It looked as if he was badly beaten but he showed no signs of pain.

"How did you get hurt?"

"That's not so important. I have a bad news, Malfoy. Our full mission here has failed" 

"What the fuck? What the fuck do you mean?" 

"Hush, sly. I ran into some death eaters today evening. I was just hiding around and listening to their words, but unfortunately one of them caught me. I gave them my identity as a pickpocket, so they beat me up. But when they were hitting me, I noticed Dolohov and Greyback leave with their suitcases from an old building there. After they all had beaten me up, I followed them and saw them go to 'Sydney burger joint'" 

"You mean the only floo station in Sydney?"

He nodded.

"I think they went to London. When I went there I caught a young waiter and asked him what they said when they flooed. He was reluctant in giving me the words. I showed him my wand and he said that they went to "Diagon Alley".

I was confused and not able to believe that the whole mission we had planned had messed up.

Robin looked at me and said "sly, this means one thing only, they are up to something. I don't think they would simply leave the safe Sydney and risk their lives to go to London. I think you should inform the ministry. I have been already transferred to another place, and you have been called back to London. You are leaving tomorrow morning. You need to find the "LR!"

He said that much and hugged me. I hugged him and smiled. That was the end of everything, we were never meant to meet again. We would again have a new place and different partners. He did not waste time and vanished within second. I had tears in my eyes but I knew it was a difficult life and my job was not meant for family and friends.

I was a bit excited about going back to London. I had grown up a lot.

"No one is going to recognize me if I walk through the same old Diagon alley" I thought.

Moreover, I had learned the Aussie accent.

I walked through the street refreshing all my memories of Hogwarts and London. But the first image that sparked in my mind was of that fiery Hermione Granger. I blushed thinking about her but I knew that she was with Ronald Weasley boy. I smiled and took out the keys from my pocket.

Thanks for reading!




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