I wanted to hear your laughter

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A/N:- Hello, everyone. Here is the new chapter. Well, this chapter is bit long so I am warning you from before.

Thanks for the votes and comments in the last chapter!

Let me know what you think of this chapter!

Enjoy xx


"Someone poisoned healer Dunsky, here, in the department" Marvin said in a serious tone which surprised Harry. Harry watched the dead body closely.

"Who?" he asked. Marvin focused on Harry as he averted his eyes from the body. They both stared at each other as if they talked through eyes.

"Contact the forensic department, and let them check out the body, I will find out about his family" Harry said. Harry always hated the task of telling the family. It was way too painful. As he was about to turn around but his eyes went to Draco again.

Draco looked terrified. He was sweating. Harry grabbed his arm and pulled him. But he seemed to not move from the ground.

"Marvin, get the binds out" Harry ordered. Marvin nodded. Harry walked with him to the cell again.

Ring ring

HP: Hey this is Harry
HG: hi Harry, what happened is everything all right?
HP: Healer Dunsky, who was going to give Draco's memory back, is killed, poisoned.
HP: I am not, but the one behind this is certainly is. Whoever that is wants to see Draco behind the bars in Azkaban.
HG: Harry that is never happening. If that ever happens, I will sue the whole bloody department of yours, and may be even burn down the god damn building.
HP: don't worry mione, calm down. This just made it easier for Draco. Draco was with Marvin at that time so they will not suspect Draco and even believe the "imperius curse" thing. But still I need more evidence.
HG: okay fine, I trust you Harry. My Draco should not get in trouble.
HP: yeah sure, I will take a good care of your Draco. Haha!
HG: HARRY! By the way how is he?
HP: he is in shock actually from the whole Dunsky thing. He might be physically strong but he still can't handle anyone else's death.
HG: he is Draco, Harry. What can you expect from him?
HP: are you safe?
HG: I Am. I am going to Sydney. Just getting my things ready.
HP: why Sydney?
HG: I have some things to handle
HP: Hermione, why are you going to bloody Sydney now?
HG: I need to find someone, who might be able to help Draco. He or she might know something.
HP: how do you know?
HG: Draco told me, and I am going. You are not stopping me. Take care of Ginny and the kids. I will contact you when I reach there.
HP: fine, be careful. Bye.
HG: I know how to take care of myself Harry, I am not a child and I am not weak. Bye
HP: fine, bye
HG: bye


Hermione's POV:-

I looked around the café when I flood to Sydney. It was crowded. I slipped in among the crowd of men who were too busy in their conversations.

My ears caught the slightly different accent of the people. I found the accent rather funny and cool actually. Draco sometimes mistakenly talks like this, maybe he was here before he was sent to England.

A young thin waiter was staring at me continuously. I felt a bit sick with his stare. But the way he was looking at me made me feel that he might know something about this Robin fellow.

At least he will know about the people who use the floo. His serves food nearest to the floo fireplace. I watched him closely as I sat down on one of the table.

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