Something Wicked

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Lifting his head as the door opened, Wilbur smiled at their brother who threw his book bag on the table and sat in the waiting chair-on-wheels beside them. The blonde blew his bangs out of his face, bringing his computer out of his bag and leaning over the green-haired teen's shoulder to look at their own open computer screen.

"How much have you gotten done so far?" He said, green eyes scanning the words typed on the screen.

"Not much. Sitting on this introduction. It's a lot harder to talk about myself than I thought it would be." They admitted, looking over to Tom who smiled and glanced towards them as he logged onto his computer.

"You know, we could always write each other's intros. I could sing your praises for hours." He joked, voice light as he pulled up his own document.

Wilbur stopped typing, raising an eyebrow and turning towards his brother. "I mean." They poked his shoulder. "It's not the worst idea. How would they know?"

Tommy laughed brightly, spinning in his chair and putting his hands in his lap. "They're Stark Industries, Wil! They know everything."

"No, no, no, listen! They'd have to admit that they know everything. Which is technically a breech of contract, right? I mean, you know this business ethicality shit a lot better than me, but-"

"You're right. We could cat and mouse them. I mean, it's kind of illegal." He turned back towards his computer, switching its place so it now sat in front of Wilbur, and Wilbur's computer now sat in front of him. "But! So is data monitoring."

Wilbur smirked, fist bumping their twin and cracking their knuckles, reaching up and turning the volume slightly back up on their headphones. "A win-win."

Thomas shrugged, humming. "A cheat, maybe. Business entrapment? Absolutely. But sure! It can be a win-win."


"God, he's gonna be so thrilled." Tom said, throwing his head back. "I can picture it now! I swear, I can. I'll bet ten actual dollars on it. 'Good on you, kids! Finally living it up.' Meanwhile he's like, hands on hips, or something."

Wilbur snorted, shaking their hands by their sides and shoving their books back into their locker. "I didn't even know the administration still called home for class skipping. You'd think they would've tired out by now."

Colby nudged the green-haired teen with his shoulder, leaning against the locker next to theirs. "It's because you two are top students. They can't tarnish your perfect records by logging it, so they did the next best thing."

"The next best thing? We're never gonna hear the fucking end of it! He's gonna think we've come to the goddamn dark side!" The shortest exclaimed, grabbing Sam by the shoulders and shaking. "He might even take us out for dinner, Sammy, you don't understand!"

"You're right, Tommy, I don't. If my parents took me out to dinner for skipping class, I'd be fucking thrilled." The taller blonde responded, setting his own hands on the other blonde's shoulders and squeezing. "Sounds to me like you guys are living the dream."

Tom opened his mouth to respond, Wilbur cutting him off with a tut, slinging his book bag over his shoulder. "Sam, stop antagonizing him. You know how they get - any little stray from status quo and it's like we've flipped the world's axis."

Colby laughed as Sam frowned, still locked in a wierd hug mimick with Tommy. "Yeah, laugh it up, Colby. It'll be really funny when both you and Sam have marks and Tom and I are clean slate."

The brunette shut his mouth, making eye contact with the tall blonde, the two bursting into laughter as the intercom above head crackled to life, calling the twins to the office.

Wilbur sighed and shut their locker, turning to Tommy and pulling him away from a still-laughing Sam.


Eyes immediately fell onto the pair as they stepped into the office, walking in tangent with the other. Wilbur sighed and rolled his eyes, biting back a smile as he made contact with one of the men leaning against the counter, keys twirling on his finger.

"Well, well, well. If it isn't the pride and joy of CYHSS!" The man said, shit-eating grin adorning his face. The blonde man beside him rolled his eyes and stood up straight, fixing the bottom of his jacket and nodding towards the door.

"Why did they call you?" Tom asked, walking behind the two men. "And why are you here? I thought you were..." He looked around, waiting until they crossed the threshold of the school. "On a hunting trip until Saturday."

"Your principal called early this morning. She said you two got offered an internship and one of us needed to come in to sign some forms." The tall blonde said, ruffling Tommy's hair and pulling him closer, reaching a hand out to set on Wilbur's shoulder. "We figured we'd stick around to see you and congratulate you on your internship."

"And-" The brunette tried to jump in, being shoved back by the older blonde's shoe. "Hey, watch it, Sam!" He grunted, righting himself and pausing in front of his car. "And to celebrate your first steps into juvenile delinquency."

He stepped closer to the twins, pulling one in with each arm and squeezing their shoulders. "Good on you, kids! Finally living it up."

The short blonde made eye contact with his brother out of the corner of their eyes, and the two bursted into laughter, Dean's hands falling off of their shoulders. Wilbur retained just enough breath to lean against the side of the car, wiping their eyes with a smile.

Sam furrowed his eyebrows, looking between the two teenagers and shrugging, making his way to the other side of the car and pulling the passenger's door open. Finally composing himself, Tom followed the elder blonde around to the other side of the impala, stopping to throw his backpack in the trunk, and sitting behind him.

Still leaning against the car, Wilbur looked up as Dean pretended not to smile. "I really am glad to see it, kid. You know it's all in the name of watching you and your brother grow. Right?"

The green-haired teen smirked and lightly slapped the brunette's shoulder as he walked to the trunk, closing it after putting his book bag beside their brother's. "Careful, Dean. Someone might hear you." They paused with their hand on the door of the backseat, glancing at him before tugging it open. "But, yeah. I know. Thank you."

They buckled, Dean got in and started the car, they smiled, and they were reminded of how rare it was to have all stages in the same day. It was lovely. Good and lovely.

Mutations and withheld information aside.


i love adding new characters to match hyperfixations but boy does it require some major rewrites

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