There Were Pages Turned

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For the next few hours, the telltale metallic clink of Tony's tools on his suit echoed through the lab as he worked silently on his own project, rock music softly playing as Wilbur also typed away. Finally, the teen pulled away from their laptop, cracking their knuckles and nodding, seemingly satisfied. The brunette man looked up from his suit, setting a wrench down on the table and shooing away Dum-E, who had come closer at the noise. Tony turned in his seat to face his the teen, smile on his face.

The teen raised an eyebrow, taking their fingers through their hair and biting back their own smile. They glanced down to the newspaper on the table alongside their laptop, faltering for a moment. A clang from Tony's side of the room drew their attention, and they raised their arm just in time to catch a wrench being thrown in their direction by the man. Somehow, the man's smile only grew.

"So, Wilbur," he said, his voice laced with amusement. "How long have you been Spider-Man?"

Wilbur's eyes widened in surprise, their mouth gaping open. "What? How did you...I mean, I don't know what you're talking about."

Tony chuckled, shaking his head. "Oh, come on, kid. I've been in the superhero business long enough to know when someone's got something to hide. And let's face it, you're not exactly the best at hiding your secret identity."

Wilbur shifted uncomfortably, fidgeting with the hem of his shirt. "I didn't want anyone to know," they admitted softly. "I mean...I guess I was afraid of what people would think."

Tony tilted his head, his gaze softening. "Hey, I get it. Trust me, I do. But you don't have to hide anymore. You're part of the team now, and we've got your back."

Wilbur's eyes widened in surprise. "Really? You're not mad?"

Tony smirked. "Mad? Kid, you're talking to Iron Man. I'm not exactly one to judge when it comes to secret identities. And besides, I've seen what you can do. You're pretty impressive for a teenager."

Wilbur's cheeks flushed with pride, a small smile tugging at the corners of his mouth. "Thanks, Mr. Stark. That means a lot."

Tony stood up from his table, coming around and gently clapping them on the back, grinning. "Whatever you're working on can't be more important than getting new tech, can it?"

"More tech? Mr. Stark, seriously-"

"Kid, if you say something stupid I'm gonna have it out for you. I'm a billionaire. I can afford to give my personal intern more things."

"Wait, your personal intern?" The teen questioned? turning around in their seat to look at the man.

"Let's face it kid, Pepper has pretty much taken your brother. I'm not getting him back." Tony said, gesturing with his hands. "And besides. I think we have more in common."

Wilbur raised an eyebrow, leaning back on the table. "Like what?"

"Well, if I were to guess, he doesn't know about your, uh, 'extracurriculars', does he?" Tony said, putting his hand on the table and leaning back on his heels, his eyes fixed on Wilbur. "Let's just say it as it is, kid," he said, folding his arms across his chest. "Your brother has no idea that you're Spider-Man, does he?"

Wilbur hesitated, and then slowly nodded, their expression solemn. "Yeah, he's always been a little...naive, I guess. And I don't want to put him in danger by letting him in on my secret. I know there'll be things that happen. I don't want him involved."

Tony leaned forward, his eyes intense. "I understand your concern, Wilbur. But keeping secrets like this can be dangerous, too. What if something happens to you? Your brother will be left wondering what happened to his sibling, with no answers."

Wilbur's eyes widened, and Tony sighed, dragging a hand down his face. "I tried the solo act, kid. I did. So I'm not saying this lightly. It's easier when you have someone to lean on."

Wilbur's brow furrowed in thought, their gaze fixed on the ground. "I never thought about it like that," he admitted softly. "But I don't know how to tell him. He's always been the one person in my life who didn't treat me like a superhero. He sees me as just...his brother. And it's not like I don't have anyone. My, uh- my friend, Colby, he knows."

Tony's expression softened, a faint smile tugging at the corners of his mouth. "I get it, kid. I really do. Sometimes, we have to take risks for the people we care about. And who knows? Maybe this Colby kid will surprise you. Maybe he's got a hero inside of him, too."

Wilbur nodded slowly, his eyes meeting Tony's. "Maybe. I guess I could start telling him more."

Tony grinned, pulling a separate table over to Wilbur's 'work-station' and clapping his hands together. "That's the spirit, kid. Now, let's get to work on that tech project, and who knows? Maybe we'll be able to create something together that'll let you be everyone you want to be. You've just gotta be honest with what you want, and I'll do my best to teach you how to get it- or, in this case, make it."

"I like the design of my suit-"

The brunette man shook his head, laughing softly. "I'm not talking about the design, kid. Whatever you want it to look like, we can make it happen. But, it needs to be heftier. We can make it more gadget-filled. It'll be safer."

"What, like an Iron Man suit?"

"Yeah. Like an Iron Man suit. You're working with the big leaguers now, Wilbur. And, this way, next time you talk to Colby you can tell him about all the upgrades."

Wilbur bit back a smile, finally standing from their seat and glancing to the clock over the door of the lab. "How much can we get done in a few hours, though?"

Tony laughed, snapping his fingers and spinning to pick up some tools on a nearby cart. "Enough."



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