Systematic Sharing

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Thomas crouched over his phone, green eyes clouded and eyebrows furrowed with worry. His pink-phone case clad phone shook in his hands as he opened his messages, gnawing on his bottom lip. He glanced slightly up at his brother's door down the hallway, then stood and made his way to the balcony, closing the doors softly behind him and looking out at the slightly grey day.

With a heavy heart, the blonde clicked on the icon for one of Wilbur's main supporters, sighing as he thought dejectedly about what to say. The black haired twin had always had trouble relying on other people, at least in Tommy's experience, and he couldn't imagine the other being okay with him talking about any of their personal affairs to anyone else. He had hope that it might be different with the brunette, though. He saw how they looked at each other, after all.

The next half hour was a grievance, in the blonde's opinion

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The next half hour was a grievance, in the blonde's opinion. Dean called and explained that his 'supply' shopping was going to take a little longer than usual, that he'd called Sam for help, and that the two should use some of the emergency money to order dinner if the pair weren't back home by seven at the latest. Tommy rolled his eyes, but agreed nonetheless, hanging up with a promise to watch over Wilbur and to make sure that they were both properly fed. The shorter twin washed the few breakfast dishes in the sink, folded every single blanket in the living room, and even put the assortment of coasters scattered around the apartment back in their assigned spaces. He sighed, placed the last newspaper theme coaster in its holder beside Dean's arm chair, and then crossed his arms, resigning to bite his fingernails in anxiously awaiting Colby's arrival.

Just a few moments later, his phone dinged in his pocket, and as he made his way to the door, a knock sounded out in the eerie quietness of the apartment. Thomas swung open the door, a tense smile on his face as he beckoned Colby in.

"It's, uh, quiet in here." The brunette commented as he walked past the blonde, the shorter closing and locking the door behind him. "Where's everybody?"

Tommy leaned against the wall, running a shaking hand through his hair. "Well. Dean and Sam are out doing...whatever it is that Dean and Sam do, and Wilbur's in their room. Have been basically since we got home."

Colby's eyebrows knitted together, and he shook his head, lightly pushing past the shorter blonde to get to the hallway where Wilbur's room lay with practiced ease. He waited for the other to catch up, and then gestured for him to knock.

Thomas rolled his eyes, but raised his shaking fist, gently knocked on the door and said, "Hey, Wilby. Colby's here. I - uhm... I guess I thought you might like some company."

The blonde sighed at the answering silence on the other side of the door, setting his forehead briefly against it before clearing his throat and turning to Colby. "I'm gonna go, Wil. But Colby's gonna come in."

The brunette's eyes widened, but he did as the blonde said and slowly turned the knob to the door, twisting it open carefully and stepping inside before closing it back behind himself. He looked around the room, eyes scanning for his black haired best friend, before spotting the other curled up on their bed, facing the window.

Colby cleared his throat, stepping forward lightly and tilting his head. He laid his hand lightly on Wilbur's leg, squeezing gently and opening his mouth to speak, before being cut off by a swift kick to his chest which promptly threw him backwards. He coughed as he hit the ground, groaning lowly and looking up with a hand pressed to his chest.

Wilbur, having seemingly just noticed the other's presence, narrowed their eyes and clenched their fists. The brunette opened his mouth to apologize, once again being struck speechless by his best friend.

In front of his very eyes, the jet-black hair he'd helped Wilbur dye only weeks earlier turned blood red, starting at the ends and stopping just before it reached their scalp. The now red-head, seemingly unaware of the change, simply glared down at Colby, who used the side of the bed as an aid to stand.

"Wil- your hair- it's-" Colby started, shaking his head and coughing once more before planting his feet and charging on. "Your hair is red."

The other teen, to their credit, just nonchalantly brushed their hand through his new fiery locks and replied, with none of the almost whimsical hysteria Colby had grown to know came with them in times of change, "Yeah, it's just a little dye experiment with Mr. Stark gone wrong. No big deal."

Colby narrowed his eyes, glancing back towards Wilbur's bedroom door and thinking of the desperation in their twin brother's eyes when he had silently pleaded with the brunette to still go through the door. Wilbur's behavior had been increasingly odd lately, and this hair transformation only added to the puzzle.

"Okayyyy...if you say so." He said, shrugging his jacket off and hanging it over the back of the red-head's desk chair. Concern etched on his face, the brunette sat down next to Wilbur and, as gently as possible for someone who was slowly becoming more and more confused, said, "Hey, Wilbur, seriously though. You've been acting really strange lately. Is everything okay?"

Wilbur smiled and looked straight at the other, their green eyes almost analyzing the brunette's brown ones. "Colby, you're reading too much into everything, I promise! I've always been like this. Nothing's changed. You'd be the first to know, after all!" They exclaimed, smile still set on their face.

Colby, who had known his best friend for the majority of each of their lives, pressed on. "Wil, c'mon. Don't do this. Don't shut me out. We've been through everything together. If something is bothering you, you can talk to me. I'm here for you." The brunette turned completely on the bed to face the red head, picking up the other's hands and squeezing them in his own.

For a split second, Wilbur faltered. His eyes betrayed his fear, their confusion, his heartache and anger. For a split second, their hands trembled in Colby's and their entire body seemed to melt with the weight. Their smile snapped into a frown, and he opened his mouth as if to say something. And then, as quickly as it happened, it was over. The smile was set back in place, and the circles under their eyes could almost be a trick of the light.


If Colby didn't know them so well, wasn't so positive of the wrongness in their smile, it probably would've worked.



regular posting schedule (chap a day) back v soon !! 😋🫶🏻🤭

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