We Would

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The team watched in horror and helplessness as the red head struggled against themself, breathing heavily. Wilbur's trembling hands reached out, tearing the sheets from a nearby manual. The sheets fluttered and swirled around them, creating a makeshift cocoon that shielded Wilbur from both the sights of the others and the shadows that now furiously swirled around them.

A hissing filled the air as the shadows touched the sheets of paper, and Wilbur looked up with tears in their eyes as the light abruptly came back to the room. The team's relief flooded the rest of the darkness out, and laughter erupted, filling the tense air. The six rushed forward, enveloping Wilbur in a warm embrace, their laughter mingling with tears of joy and relief.

Wilbur's voice trembled as they spoke, their words laced with regret as their hands shook. "I'm so so sorry for hurting all of you. I didn't mean to put you in danger or cause you pain. I- I didn't-"

The team, still holding onto Wilbur, exchanged understanding glances. Tony, his voice filled with compassion, responded first. "Wilbur, it wasn't your fault. None of us blame you for what happened. You were a victim of circumstances beyond your control."

Others chimed in, their words a chorus of reassurance. "We're a team, Wilbur. We face the challenges together," Dean said, a warm smile on his face.

Colby nodded, his eyes filled with compassion. "We understand, Wilbur. We're here for you, no matter what."

Tommy squeezed his brothers arm, leaning on his shoulder and sniffling. "I knew you could do it. I knew it. You're so strong, Wil." He whispered, smile on his face.

Wilbur smiled back - a genuine, tired smile - and lifted a hand to rub their brother's head. "Thank you, Toms." They whispered back, happy buzz of the room quieting as footsteps echoed to the side. The red head snapped up, their expression shifting from relief to sheer terror, their voice barely above a whisper. "Oh, shit."

Tommy's eyes narrowed as he tracked Wilbur's gaze, recognition clocking the unexpected visitor. "Wait, I-...I know that guy." He said, standing with his twin and putting a hand in their shoulder as the rest of the group followed. "That's my old manager. From-" He looked around and cleared his throat nervously. "Uh. From my racing days."

The man stepped forward, his face etched with lines of concern and remorse. "Tommy, Wilbur, I didn't expect to find you here. I came looking for answers, but I never thought I would stumble upon this."

Confusion and suspicion clouded the minds of the team as they regarded the unexpected visitor. Tony took a step forward, his Iron Man suit automatically re-encasing him and buzzing to life. "Who are you, and what do you want?"

The man's shoulders sagged, weariness etched in his features. "My name is Harvey. I used to manage Tommy's racing career before everything went south. I know I don't deserve forgiveness, but I've been trying to make things right ever since."

Tommy's voice wavered with a mix of emotions. He shook his head, barely noticeable to anyone besides Wilbur, and tugged on the back of their shirt, making the other step back. "Yeah. Yeah, right. What the the hell are you doing here?"

The man's eyes shifted, guilt weighing heavily upon him. "I stumbled upon some information, information that led me down a dangerous path. I was seeking redemption, trying to uncover the truth about The Company's involvement in your lives. I didn't realize it would bring me face to face with... this."

Wilbur's expression remained guarded, their voice filled with suspicion, their senses making them acutely aware of the way their brother's hand trembled where it connected to their shirt. "Why should we believe you? After all that's happened, how do we know you're not involved with The Company?"

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