The Story

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Two weeks later marked a very significant and tangible change in the green haired teen's life. Instead of coming straight home after school and then deciding what to do with the rest of their afternoon from the apartment, Wilbur climbed into the back of a sleek black car, Tommy in tow, to face an admittedly unnecessarily long car ride to upstate New York.

The man in the drivers seat didn't even look back at the two as they nervously and excitedly discussed what they thought their first days would be like. Tommy was nearly vibrating in his seat, and Wilbur tucked their hands under their legs to keep from shaking them. They watched the semi-familiar outer city fade away into the beginning sights of the 'big' state.

The blonde teen stared out his window, smile on his face. "I've never been to New York before." He said, fingers thrumming on the side of the door. He turned briefly to glance at his brother, their knees touching in the backseat. "Have you?"

The taller twin took a deep breath through their nose, leaning back so their head rested against the back of the seat. "Yeah. A few times." They turned their head to look at their brother on their left, who continued watching the sights outside. "But never for a reason like this. It'll be something new for both of us."

Tom nodded, still majorly focused. Wilbur turned their head back to face the front of the car, or more specifically the man driving. "Hey. Uh, how far away are we?" They asked, watching the man through the rear view mirror as he rolled his eyes.

"Twenty minutes." He replied simply, and then he reached into the console, pressed a button, and smirked as the divider window between the front and back seats began to roll up.

The green haired teen took the cue, leaning back again and closing their eyes.

As soon as they got to the shiny silver tower, the two were escorted away from the car and towards the front entrance doors. There, they talked to a woman at the front desk and explained their situation. That they were the two Young Mind scholars, and that today was the first day of their internship. She told them to wait there while she got a superior, as she handled admissions and didn't really know about interns.

The twins ended up sitting on opposite sides of the busy foyer, finding any seat they could amidst the chaos of the Stark Industries sign in kiosks. After ten minutes, Wilbur was about ready to throw in the towel and go home to escape the noise and bustle of the lobby.

An elevator at the side of the lobby dinged, completely set away from the three elevators in the middle and not advertised as such. The green haired teen's eyebrows narrowed, and they made eye contact with Tommy across the way, who shrugged in return. They watched as a sunglasses clad man stepped out of the elevator, turning a few times to scan the lobby before presumably landing on Wilbur and making his way towards them.

They stood, bringing their backpack up with them and putting it reassuringly on their back. "Hey, kid." The man sad, taking off his sunglasses and sticking them in the pocket of his unfamiliar gray jogging pants. "Sorry that took so long. Next time, you call me when you get here, okay? I didn't even know you were here until two minutes ago."

Wilbur nodded, rubbing the back of their neck. "The woman at the front desk said she'd get her boss, or something."

Tony rolled his eyes, pointing to the sign in kiosk where said woman tapped away on her phone. "We love Amanda. She's welcoming, and she gets the job done. But she gets off in one hour, so she's probably over it." He tapped Wilbur's shoulder lightly, leading them over to the elevator he came out of. "Now, where's that brother of yours?"

Wilbur nodded to the other side of the room, where the blonde teen sat with his legs crossed under him and his own book bag leaning against his seat. He had his phone out, but it was clear that he was not using it, instead watching the traffic pass outside of the multiple windows in the lobby.

"He's, uh, never been to New York before. It's exciting." They explained, rocking back on their heels. The brunette man raised an eyebrow, slipping his sunglasses onto his face and navigating through the crowd with practiced ease to gather the mentioned teenager. Soon, the both of them made their way back to where Wilbur was standing beside the extra elevator.

"Today's your lucky day, kids. You get to have the V.I.P. experience until we can get your I.D. cards made." Tony said, clapping his hands together and ushering the two into the elevator, turning to the two with a smile as he pulled off his sunglasses again. "Fri, floor 90, please." He said, grinning as the two bewildered teens looked at each other.

"Right away, sir." A voice said, and Tony explained distantly, "Kids, this is Friday. She's the buildings A.I. She runs everything." He gestured to the ceiling. "Friday, these are the YMI kids. Wilbur," He said, pointing to the teen as if the A.I. needed visual, "and Tommy."

"Indeed, sir." The voice said, and then the elevator dinged. "Enjoy your internship." She said, and the three walked out of the elevator.

Tony walked down a hallway, gesturing for the twins to follow, before he stopped at a set of clear double doors, shaded and hiding what was behind them. "Before we go any further- what would you like to do today?" He asked, looking at them both. "You have no obligation to be in my lab if you don't want to. The intern labs are also open- it doesn't matter to me. Today is your day of exploration."

Tommy's smile widened, and he looked between the two. "Does that mean I can go to administration?"

Tony tilted his head to the right, and then he nodded. "O'course. You can go anywhere. Here, hold on." He said, and then he pulled out his own phone and typed for a few minutes, grinning as he put it away.

Above them, a voice again emerged, "Tommy. Ms. Potts requests your presence in her office. Please step into the elevator and I will take you there."

The blonde teens smile radiated throughout the hallway, and both others there smiled in return. "Pepper Potts? The CEO?" He exclaimed, his hands splaying out beside his body.

"Yeah, kid. Now go on. Pepper doesn't like to wait." He said, entertainment dancing in his eyes as Tommy practically skipped back to the elevator.

"Thank you, Tony, you're the realest ever!" He yelled as the elevator closed behind him.

Wilbur shook their head fondly, turning back to look at Tony instead of the elevator door. "So, kid. What about you? What do you want to do today?"

The green haired teen kicked the ground, looking up at the man. "Do you really have to ask that question, Mr. Stark?" They said, and the man shook his head with a laugh.

"Just Tony, kid." He said as he pressed his hand against one of the doors, it lighting up blue and then closing behind the pair after they entered.

"Welcome, sir. Would you like me to open your last file?" Friday asked, Wilbur jumping and leaning on a nearby lab table.

The man snorted, walking around Wilbur to his own table. "Nah, thanks Fri." He moved his stool back, presumably to sit down, and then his eyes caught something on the desk. "Oh, yeah." He tossed it to the green haired teen, who caught it with familiar ease. "Here's todays newspaper. Didn't know if you were a news person, but- it seemed interesting enough."

Looking down at the newspaper in their hands, Wilbur's eyes widened slightly. 'A Brand New Vigilante' the paper said, and then a little further down, 'Introducing Spiderman' complete with a blurry picture of their red and blue suit. The teen looked back up at the man, but he had already sat down and picked up some tweezers, using them to fiddle with a bunch of wires splayed across his station.

Wilbur turned to their own table, dropping their book bag on the ground beside them and zipping it open to shove the paper inside. They pulled their laptop from the inside pocket, opening it and beginning to do homework from Silliw's class- a penance from skipping so frequently- their mind racing.

long awaited next chapter after my accidental hiatus.

ooooooo stark industries !

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