(Tears) Of Brotherhood

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As the group entered the warehouse through the hole in the wall, the chill shadows sent shivers down their spines. The six cautiously made their way through the darkened space, avoiding spots on the walls and pulling each other towards the sound of Wilbur's voice as it echoed through the halls, distorted and filled with something that set each of them on edge.

As they approached the source of the sound, their hearts sank. Standing before them was Wilbur, but something was familiarly and terribly wrong. Their eyes held a vacant, distant gaze, and a chilling smile stretched across their face. It was as if they were no longer themselves, but a vessel controlled by an unknown force. All at once, Colby realized that Wilbur had not been in control for a long time, and that their first real moment of awareness had been sending him back to Stark Tower - back to safety.

Tony's voice crackled through the speakers of his Iron Man suit as his armor whirred to life, his posture tense. "Okay, guys. Change of plans. Our new tactic is to evade. We can't risk harming Wilbur, but we need to find a way to break this possession."

Tommy nodded gratefully, letting out a breath. "We can't hurt them. That's our main priority, right? To keep them safe." He looked around at the others, who nodded, and landed on Dean, who shuffled in place and then shot the short blonde a reassuring smile.

They scattered, each branching off to a different corridor that would connect to the patch of the building Wilbur was in. They moved in all together, practically surrounding the red head as they all moved to dodge whatever incoming of shadows moved their ways. The group was swift, relying on agility and teamwork to evade rather than engage in direct combat. No matter how quick their movements, Wilbur seemed one step ahead, their actions unpredictable and relentless, no doubt thanks to their heightened senses.

In a desperate turn of events, the possessed Wilbur seized Colby, pressing him flat against their chest and glaring at the group around them Panic surged through the group, their eyes locked on the dangerous standoff unfolding before them.

"Leave." They said, simply, voice light but commanding, hand still pressed flat against Colby's chest, who bit his lip and struggled against the hold.

Dean, fueled by a mix of determination and desperation, stepped forward with furrowed eyebrows. "Wilbur, please! Fight this! I know you. I know you can do this."

The red head simply smiled and and chuckled, his grip on Colby tightening. Colby sucked in a deep breath as the shadows surrounding the pair got closer, and he looked at the group with panicked eyes.

Tommy hesitated, and then threw down his weapon and stepped forward, whispering 'fuck this' under his breath as he neared he figure of his brother.  His voice trembled as he spoke, but his eyes showcased nothing but his love and determination. "Wil." He started, then cleared his throat and tried again. "Wilby. You're stronger than this. Remember who you are." He gestured to the brunette teen. "Remember who you love."

To the side, Dean watched, shakily breathing as he debated his options. He took one look at his own brother nursing a steadily bleeding cut to his other side and made his decision, praying to gods he didn't believe in that apologies would be enough. He swiftly moved forward, retrieving a taser from his belt. With a mix of hesitation and determination, he aimed and unleashed the electrical charge straight into the red head's side, hoping to break through the possession.

The jolt coursed through Wilbur's body, causing them to release Colby and stumble backward. Colby tripped and was caught by his best friend, who trembled with the weight as the two struggled to stand. The red-head's facade faltered, but instead of breaking free, a surge of anger filled their eyes. In an instant, they turned their attention towards Dean, their expression twisted with rage.

Tommy's heart broke as he witnessed the turn of events. Tears streamed down his face, his voice choked with sorrow. "Dean, what did you do? You promised not to hurt them!"

But there was no time for remorse. The possessed Wilbur lunged at Dean, a whirlwind of aggression and fury. Tommy's cries echoed through the warehouse as he desperately tried to intervene, but his efforts seemed futile against the possessed force that consumed his twin.

The battle raged on, each member of the group utilizing every ounce of their strength to evade the possessed Wilbur's relentless onslaught. They were battered and bruised, their bodies weary, but their determination remained unwavering.

As the intense struggle continued, an unexpected glimmer of hope emerged. Through sheer willpower, Wilbur fought against the possession, breaking free from its grip, if only momentarily. Their eyes flickered with recognition and fear.

They looked around the room, shaking arms wrapped around their own frame. "I-" They started, eyes flashing between their normal, calm green and a neon amalgamation. "I'm so sorry- I don't-" They fell to their knees, eyes tracing the walls around them.



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