Prove To Me

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"That's really cool, Wilbur. I'm proud of you." A voice on the phone said, and Wilbur covered their face with their arm, ignoring the blonde teen beside them who laughed under his breath.

"Thanks, Col. I'm, uh, I'm really excited." The green haired teen replied, twisting the string of their hoodie with their free hand. "I'll probably text Mr. Stark tomorrow. Can't make him think I'm too eager, y'know?"

Colby laughed, and Wilbur could almost picture the way the brunette would shake his head. "Sure, Wil. Whatever you say."

Wilbur grinned, a witty response dying on their tongue as they heard an alarm. They looked towards their brother, who had already jumped up with raised eyebrows and went to look out the window. Knowing that Tommy heard it too only raised the hair on their arms, and they hung up with Colby to a chill racing down his spine.

"What is that?" The shorter twin said, pulling the window up and open. "I've never heard that before. I mean, granted, we've only been living here for a little bit, but still-"

Wilbur gently pushed the blonde out of the way, crowding the window and frowning when they recognized it. A few blocks away, the alarm to a familiar pharmacy was going off, and Wilbur shook their head determinedly.

They backed away from the window, already going to open the door to Tommy's room. The blonde caught their wrist, eyebrows knit.

"Wilbur. What's happening?"

They hesitated for a second before continuing to walk, dragging their twin with them towards the door so that they could pull back on their discarded shoes. "It's PX Pharmacy. That's their alarm. I- uh, it's easy to remember."

"Why are you putting back on your shoes to call the cops?" Tommy asked, tilting his head and crossing his arms. "Because that is what you're doing, right? Involving the proper people to deal with it? Instead of doing something stupid, or reckless, or-"

"I can handle it. PX can't have cops near them, you know that." Wilbur commented, standing back up with shoes now on his feet.

The shorter twin simply blinked at them a few times, mouth opening and closing in disbelief. He shook his head. "So you're what? Just gonna start-"

"Start saving people? Yeah. I am." The green haired teen said, tugging on their hoodie sleeve and throwing their keys into their pocket. "Tommy, listen. It's really not all that different than hunting. If anything, it's more safe now than it used to be, what with all my- uh- new additions and such."

Thomas scoffed, scrunching his eyebrows together. "That supposed to make me feel better?"

Wilbur shrugged. "A little bit, yeah."

"Well, it doesn't." The blonde said, bending down and beginning to lace up his own shoes. (Sam's old white ones, on loan from the other blonde teenager upon hearing of Tommy's unfortunate shoe loss) "Unless, of course, I come with you."

"What?" They said, eyebrows raising. "No, Toms, you should stay here. I don't want you-"

"To get hurt?" He laughed lightly, hand unconsciously resting at his side. "I think it's a little late for that. But, that's okay! As long as we're actually, y'know, together I think we'll be fine."

"I have no idea what the issue is. I don't know if it's a robber, or someone who's armed, or-"

"Exactly. You have no clue how much danger it is. So, I'm coming with you. No, don't give me that look. I can log onto their cameras on the way and see what's happening. I can be useful."

"I didn't mean to say that you wouldn't be useful, Toms. But if you get hurt, again, I would never forgive myself." The green haired teen finally commented, running their hand through their hair.

"If you got hurt because you didn't let me come, I would never forgive you. I'm here, okay? Let me help. Don't push me away. We promised, remember? We're there for each other now. No matter what."

Wilbur paused for a few minutes, searching their brother's eyes with their own reflected green. "Fine. Fine. Yes, you can come. But the second there's danger, you bail."

Tommy smiled and squeezed Wilbur's hand, moving past them to the door. "I'll bail when you bail, brother-o-mine." He pulled the door open.

The taller pushed the door closed gently, causing the shorter to look back at them in questioning. "I mean it, Toms. Don't push yourself. You're still healing. If you reopen your wound-"

"Dean'll have to cross-stitch it, I know. I'll be careful. Promise."

Wilbur nodded and sighed, opening the door again and letting the shorter walk through it before following him. They paused to lock it behind themself, softly hitting their forehead against it and then turning and beginning to walk step in step with Tommy down the stairs and the street towards the sidewalk which would lead them to the pharmacy.

The alarm was still going off. Strange, considering the last time that Wilbur had been at the pharmacy, the alarm had gone off for two or three minutes max, and then shut itself off. A programming precaution so that the police wouldn't show up and start an investigation surrounding the place, considering they harbored an incredibly illegal amount of very iffy prescriptions.

The green haired teen looked down at Tommy, who squeezed his hand and raised a concern eyebrow. They nodded, and then shook their head. "I just- usually, the alarm would've gone off by now. Even when I lived on the other side of town, you could still hear it. Because of how loud it was, it always ran shorter. To make sure no cops showed up. But, it's been going off for so long now."

The pair rounded the street corner, and Tommy sucked in a breath and the amount of cars driving away from the direction they were walking in. "Uh. Maybe they- maybe they just really need help this time, or something."

Wilbur shook their head, speeding up their walking. "No. Not them. Dean used to come here all the time. After every trip we'd stop in to restock. They'd rather face their issues themselves than risk being discovered."

"So then wha-" The blonde started, cutting himself off with wide eyes as the pharmacy finally came into view.


me? switching chapter plans? more likely than you'd think!

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