Discussing Delusion

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In the morning, Wilbur was pleased to walk out of their room and find their brother already sitting in the living room, steaming mug in his hand and plush chair reclined backwards. He smiled at the blonde as they made their way into the kitchen, holding his breath as he heard the other cough lightly.

A few minutes later, now holding their own cup, the green haired teen trudged into the living room and sat down on the arm of Tom's seat, setting a hand on his arm wearily. "Hey." They said, smiling weakly at him.

"Hi." He mumbled back, eyes fluttering tiredly as he yawned. "Sleep okay?"

Wilbur scoffed lightheartedly. sipping their cup before placing it on the nearby coffee table. "Only you would ask if I slept okay after being literally poisoned." Thomas raised his eyebrow, which made the taller roll their eyes and respond anyway, "But yes. If you can consider tossing and turning about your favorite twin brother all night sleeping okay."

Tommy laughed lightly, reaching a hand up to squeeze Wilbur's own. "I'm your only twin brother, Wilby."

Wilbur smiled, it wavering on his face before dropping completely. "I was really worried about you, Toms."

"I know. I'm-" The blonde started, only to be cut off by his twin taking his mug from his hands and placing it beside their own cup on the coffee table.

"Don't say you're sorry, Tommy. Nothing that happened was your fault."  The green haired teen remarked, pressing a finger gently into the other's chest. "Nothing at all."

Thomas swallowed and looked away, gaze falling to a nearby window and what laid beyond it - trees rustling with the slight breeze of the morning, a bird landing on a branch and chirping down at its nest - choosing to withhold acknowledging the other's statement. 

"Tom." Wilbur tried again, squeezing the other's shoulder from where their hand was still positioned there. "You know it's not your fault, right? You literally didn't ask to be poisoned. You couldn't have predict-"

"I heard you. And Dean. Last night." The blonde said abruptly, still looking out the window. "The pharmacy you were at got robbed, didn't it?" He asked, turning his head back towards his brother. "It got robbed. And you were there because of me."

"No, Tom, that's-" Wilbur rushed, stopping their words as his brother shook his head furiously.

"I heard Dean say it. If he knew what was going to happen, he wouldn't have let you go. He would've never sent you."

Wilbur scrunched their eyebrows together, getting up from their perch on the arm of the chair to kneel in front of Tommy, squeezing his knees with their palms. "Tommy, he didn't mean it like that, I promise." They looked him in the eyes, searching familiar green. "You are worth saving. No matter the risk."

"You don't get it, Wilbur, if something like that ever happens again- no, listen- if something like that ever happens again, listen to Dean. Listen to Sam. They're right, Wil, you have to save yourself."


"Wilbur, I'm serious. I couldn't live with myself if I thought you got hurt because of me, it-"

Wilbur shook their head, squeezing his knees again. "Tommy. You're not understanding, now. Just listen, okay? Just give me a chance to explain."

The blonde's mouth snapped shut, and he nodded solemnly.

"When I was in the pharmacy, I felt something. Right before the person came in. Like an ache, or- or like a warning. And then, as they were walking around, it just kept getting stronger." They explained, eyes darting to the plastic cup in the sink. "I was able to prevent any damage, not because I put myself in danger, but because I knew how to take everyone else out of it. I don't know how to explain it, Toms. It was instinct. I didn't even really think about it, I just did it."

He looked back towards his brother, again meeting the other's eyes. "So when you say you couldn't live with yourself if you thought I got hurt because of you, I raise you whatever the hell that spider did to me."

"I understand, Wilbur. I just wish," He trailed off, bringing his knees up to his chest. "I wish you had better ideals. Ones that preferably involved protecting yourself."

"I spent long enough trying to protecting myself, Toms." They stood and sat on the chair arm again, subconsciously leaning closer to the other. "I didn't get to protect you. Not for a long time. I've gotta make up for lost opportunity, y'know?"

The blonde sniffled, coughing into his sleeve. Wilbur leaned forward to the coffee table and picked up his mug, setting it back into his hand. Thomas took a few sips, breathing deeply.

"I won't pretend to know what it was like for you. Or how that makes you feel now." The shorter said, a few silent moments later. "I guess I'll just have to make sure there's someone looking out for you. No matter if you're doing stupidly heroic things or not."

Wilbur smiled, making Thomas smile his own toothy grin in response. "What? You want to be my guy in the chair?"

"Well, if you're planning on making the whole jump-in-on-instinct thing a habit, someone's gotta do it. And who better than me, your biggest fan?" The blonde grinned, stretching his legs back out to the ground with a satisfying pop. "Besides, if we're going down, we're going down together. That way, nobody feels guilty about not protecting the other."

The green-haired teen took the mug from their twin's hand again, setting it onto the coffee-table as they stood and then turning to help hoist him up from his position on the chair. The blonde bit his lip weakly as he walked to his room, Wilbur nervously hovering a few steps behind. "You're still that sore?"

Thomas shrugged, shaking out his arms. "More or less. I don't feel like death warmed over anymore though, so that's a plus."

Wilbur rolled their eyes, still anxiously clicking on their heels. They knocked on the door frame of the blonde's room before stepping back. "I'm going to see if Dean and Sam are back yet. Call me if you need me, okay?"

Tom smiled absentmindedly, closing his door with a soft click.


finally a semi shorter chap! this was mostly tying up the loose bits beforeeeeeee the !! next chap

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